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[해외논문] The language of society. The Cubeo mourning ceremony as example

Social anthropology : the journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists = Anthropologie sociale, v.8 no.3, 2000년, pp.231 - 245  


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참고문헌 (21)

  1. Arhem 1981 Makuna social organization. A study of descent, alliance and the formation of corporate groups in the north-western Amazon 

  2. Artaud 1958 The theatre and its double 

  3. Bloch 1982 10.1017/CBO9780511607646 Death and the regeneration of life 

  4. Bourdieu 1990 The logic of practice 

  5. Burkert 1996 Creation of the sacred. Tracks of biology in early religions 

  6. Dennett 1991 Consciousness explained 

  7. Geertz 1973 The Interpretation of Cultures 

  8. Goldman 1963 The Cubeo 

  9. Hugh-Jones 1979 From the milk river. Spatial and temporal processes in Northwest Amazonia 

  10. Hugh-Jones 1979 The Palm and the Pleides: Initiation and cosmology in Northwest Amazonia 

  11. Hugh-Jones 1995 About the house: Levi-Strauss and beyond 

  12. Jackson 1983 10.1017/CBO9780511621901 The fish people: Linguistic exogamy and Tukanoan identity in northwest Amazonia 

  13. Mason 1997 10.2307/3774043 The sibling principle in Oronao residence Ethnology 36 351 

  14. Reichel-Dolmatoff , Gerardo 1996 The forest within. The world-view of the Tukano Amazonian Indians 

  15. Totnes 1971 Amazonian cosmos: The sexual and religious symbolism of the Tukano Indians 

  16. Shakespeare 1985 Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 

  17. Strathern 1988 10.1525/california/9780520064232.001.0001 The gender of the gift. Problems with women and problems with society in Melanesia 

  18. Turner 1969 The ritual process: Structure and anti-structure 

  19. Tylor 1958 Primitive culture: I. The origins of culture 

  20. Wittgenstein 1953 Philosophical investigations 

  21. Wittgenstein 1969 On certainty 

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