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[해외논문] FIFTY YEARS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: Homage to Mentors, Methods, and Molecules

Annual review of physical chemistry, v.51, 2000년, pp.1 - 39  

Herschbach, Dudley (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138)


Abstract A nostalgic account is given of my scientific odyssey, recalling early encounters, some fateful, some just fun, with mentors, methods, and molecules. These include stories of my student years at Stanford, pursuing chemical kinetics with Harold Johnston; graduate study at Harvard, doing molecular spectroscopy with Bright Wilson; and fledgling faculty years at Berkeley, launching molecular beam studies of reaction dynamics. A few vignettes from my "ever after " era on the Harvard faculty emphasize thematic motivations or methods inviting further exploration. An Appendix provides a concise listing of colleagues in research and the topics we have pursued.

참고문헌 (79)

  1. Imagined Worlds. Dyson F 1997 

  2. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Molecular Dynamics of Elementary Chemical Reactions (Nobel Lecture). Angewandte Chemie. International edition in English, vol.26, no.12, 1221-1243.

  3. 10.1016/B978-0-08-092669-8.50013-8 Herschbach DR. 1992. In The Chemical Bond, Structure and Dynamics , ed. AH Zewail, pp. 175-222. San Diego, CA: Academic 

  4. J. Phys. Chem. Herschbach DR 2040 97 1993 

  5. Herschbach DR. 1995. In Science and Society , ed. M Moskovits, pp. 13-28. Concord, Ont., Can: House Anansi 

  6. Gas Phase Reaction Rate Theory. Johnston HS 1966 

  7. Herschbach, Dudley R., Johnston, Harold S., Pitzer, K. S., Powell, R. E.. Theoretical Pre-Exponential Factors for Twelve Bimolecular Reactions. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.25, no.4, 736-741.

  8. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Internal Barrier in CH3CH2F and CH3CHF2 from Torsional Satellites. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.25, no.2, 358-359.

  9. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Tables of Mathieu Integrals for the Internal Rotation Problem. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.27, no.4, 975-975.

  10. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Comments on the Internal Rotation Problem. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.27, no.6, 1420-1421.

  11. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Calculation of Energy Levels for Internal Torsion and Over-All Rotation. III. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.31, no.1, 91-108.

  12. Swalen, Jerome D., Herschbach, Dudley R.. Internal Barrier of Propylene Oxide from the Microwave Spectrum. I. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.27, no.1, 100-108.

  13. 10.1063/1.1744588 Herschbach DR, Swalen JD. 1958. 29:761-76 

  14. Herschbach, Dudley. Gerhard Herzberg (1904-99) : Patriarch of modern molecular spectroscopy. Nature, vol.398, no.6729, 670-670.

  15. Herschbach, Dudley R., Krisher, Lawrence C.. Microwave Spectrum of CH2DCH : CH2; Equilibrium Conformation of Propylene. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.28, no.4, 728-729.

  16. Herschbach, Dudley. Chemistry: Blithe Sibling of Physics. Physics today, vol.50, no.4, 11-13.

  17. Herschbach D. 1999. In Pauling's Legacy: Modern Modelling of the Chemical Bond , ed. ZB Maksic, WJ Orville-Thomas, pp. 749-54. Amsterdam: Elsevier 

  18. Fantoni, A. C., Caminati, Walther. Rotational spectrum and ab initio calculations of N-methylformamide. Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions, vol.92, no.3, 343-346.

  19. Herschbach, Dudley R., Johnston, Harold S., Rapp, Donald. Molecular Partition Functions in Terms of Local Properties. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.31, no.6, 1652-1661.

  20. Boresch, Stefan, Karplus, Martin. The Jacobian factor in free energy simulations. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.105, no.12, 5145-5154.

  21. Klemperer, William. Some Spectroscopic Reminiscences. Annual review of physical chemistry, vol.46, 1-28.

  22. Klemperer, William, Herschbach, Dudley. VARIATION OF REACTION RATE WITH VIBRATIONAL STATE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol.43, no.5, 429-435.

  23. Gillen, K.T., Bernstein, R.B.. Surface ionization detector sensitive to degree of internal excitation of alkali halides in molecular beams. Chemical physics letters, vol.5, no.5, 275-277.

  24. King, D. L., Herschbach, D. R.. Facile four-centre exchange reactions. Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society, vol.55, 331-343.

  25. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Reactive collisions in crossed molecular beams. Discussions of the Faraday Society, vol.33, 149-161.

  26. Adv. Chem. Phys. Herschbach DR 322 10 1966 

  27. Herschbach, Dudley R., Laurie, Victor W.. Influence of Vibrations on Molecular Structure Determinations. I. General Formulation of Vibration-Rotation Interactions. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.37, no.8, 1668-1686.

  28. Laurie, Victor W., Herschbach, Dudley R.. Influence of Vibrations on Molecular Structure Determinations. II. Average Structures Derived from Spectroscopic Data. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.37, no.8, 1687-1693.

  29. Herschbach, Dudley R., Laurie, Victor W.. Influence of Vibrations on Molecular Structure Determinations. III. Inertial Defects. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.40, no.11, 3142-3153.

  30. Herschbach, Dudley R., Laurie, Victor W.. Anharmonic Potential Constants and Their Dependence upon Bond Length. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.35, no.2, 458-464.

  31. Johnston, Harold S.. Continuity of Bond Force Constants between Normal Molecules and Lennard-Jones Pairs. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.86, no.8, 1643-1645.

  32. Cashion, J. K., Herschbach, D. R.. Empirical Evaluation of the London Potential Energy Surface for the H + H2 Reaction. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.40, no.8, 2358-2363.

  33. Ellison, Frank O.. Potential-Energy Surface for the H +H2 Reaction. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.41, no.7, 2198-2199.

  34. Kleinekathöfer, U., Tang, K. T., Toennies, J. P., Yiu, C. L.. The generalized Heitler-London theory for the H3 potential energy surface. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.111, no.8, 3377-3386.

  35. Zare, R.N., Herschbach, D.R.. Doppler line shape of atomic fluorescence excited by molecular photodissociation. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.51, no.1, 173-182.

  36. Wilson, K. R.. Summing Up. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.103, no.49, 10022-10027.

  37. Serri, J. A., Kinsey, J. L., Pritchard, D. E.. Measuring differential cross sections using the Doppler shift. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.75, no.2, 663-668.

  38. Zare, Richard N.. Laser Control of Chemical Reactions. Science, vol.279, no.5358, 1875-1879.

  39. Herschbach, D. R.. Reactive scattering. Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society, vol.55, 233-251.

  40. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Closing remarks. New dimensions in reaction dynamics and electronic structure. Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society, vol.84, 465-478.

  41. Herschbach, D.. The Odyssey of Yuan Tseh Lee: “Should Be All Right”. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.101, no.36, 6341-6344.

  42. Bernstein, R. B., Herschbach, D. R., Levine, R. D.. Dynamical aspects of stereochemistry. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.91, no.21, 5365-5377.

  43. Kim, Seong K., Herschbach, Dudley R.. Angular momentum disposal in atom exchange reactions. Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society, vol.84, 159-169.

  44. de Miranda, Marcelo P., Clary, David C., Castillo, Jesus F., Manolopoulos, David E.. Using quantum rotational polarization moments to describe the stereodynamics of the H+D2(v=0,j=0)→HD(v′,j′)+D reaction. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.108, no.8, 3142-3153.

  45. Loesch, H. J.. Orientation and Alignment in Reactive Beam Collisions: Recent Progress. Annual review of physical chemistry, vol.46, 555-594.

  46. Comments At. Mol. Phys. Friedrich B 47 32 1995 

  47. Friedrich, Bretislav, Herschbach, Dudley. Polarization of Molecules Induced by Intense Nonresonant Laser Fields. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.99, no.42, 15686-15693.

  48. Larsen, Jakob Juul, Sakai, Hirofumi, Safvan, C. P., Wendt-Larsen, Ida, Stapelfeldt, Henrik. Aligning molecules with intense nonresonant laser fields. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.111, no.17, 7774-7781.

  49. Friedrich, B., Herschbach, D. R.. Manipulating Molecules via Combined Static and Laser Fields. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.103, no.49, 10280-10288.

  50. Herschbach, D.. Chemical physics: Molecular clouds, clusters, and corrals. Reviews of modern physics, vol.71, no.2, S411-S418.

  51. Gupta, M., Herschbach, D.. A Mechanical Means to Produce Intense Beams of Slow Molecules. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.103, no.50, 10670-10673.

  52. Rutherford Memorial Lecture, 1975 Yarns and spinners: recollections of Rutherford and applications of swift rotation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences, vol.360, no.1702, 303-315.

  53. Herschbach DR. 1998. In Chemical Research-2000 and Beyond: Challenges and Visions , ed. P Barkan, pp. 113-28. Oxford, UK: ACS Books/Oxford Univ. Press 

  54. Witten, Edward. Quarks, atoms, and the 1/N expansion. Physics today, vol.33, no.7, 38-43.

  55. Dimensional Scaling in Chemical Physics. Herschbach DR 1992 

  56. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-461X(1996)57:3<295::AID-QUA3>3.0.CO;2-T 

  57. 10.1007/978-94-009-0227-5_1 Loeser JG, Herschbach DR. 1996. In New Methods in Quantum Theory , ed. CA Tsipis, VS Popov, DR Herschbach, J Avery, pp. 1-32Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer 

  58. Mazziotti, David A., Herschbach, Dudley R.. Boson Correlation Energies from Reduced Hamiltonian Interpolation. Physical review letters, vol.83, no.25, 5185-5189.

  59. Shi, X., Herschbach, D. R., Worsnop, D. R., Kolb, C. E.. Molecular beam chemistry: magnetic deflection analysis of monoxide electronic states from alkali-metal atom + ozone reactions. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.97, no.10, 2113-2122.

  60. Herschbach, D. R., Kolb, C. E., Worsnop, D. R., Shi, X.. Excitation mechanism of the mesospheric sodium nightglow. Nature, vol.356, no.6368, 414-416.

  61. Joo, S., Worsnop, D. R., Kolb, C. E., Kim, S. K., Herschbach, D. R.. Observation of the A2&Sgr;+ ← X2&Pgr; Electronic Transition of NaO. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.103, no.17, 3193-3199.

  62. Engelke, F., Sander, R. K., Zare, R. N.. Crossed-beam chemiluminescent studies of alkaline earth atoms with ClO2. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.65, no.3, 1146-1155.

  63. 10.1039/a908876h 

  64. J. Chem. Phys. Stapelfeldt H 2000 

  65. LeSar, R., Herschbach, D. R.. Electronic and vibrational properties of molecules at high pressures. Hydrogen molecule in a rigid spheroidal box. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.85, no.19, 2798-2804.

  66. Ben-Amotz, D., Zakin, M. R., King Jr., H. E., Herschbach, D. R.. Pressure-induced vibrational fundamental and overtone frequency shifts of iodine molecules in solution. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.92, no.6, 1392-1394.

  67. Agnew, Stephan F., Swanson, B. I., Jones, L. H., Mills, R. L.. Disproportionation of nitric oxide at high pressure. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.89, no.9, 1678-1682.

  68. Ben‐Amotz, Dor, Herschbach, Dudley R.. Correlation of Zeno (Z = 1) Line for Supercritical Fluids with Vapor‐Liquid Rectilinear Diameters. Israel journal of chemistry, vol.30, no.1, 59-68.

  69. Xu, Jiasai, Herschbach, Dudley R.. Correlation of Zeno line with acentric factor and other properties of normal fluids. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.96, no.5, 2307-2312.

  70. Shebaro, L., Bhalotra, S. R., Herschbach, D.. Molecular Beam Chemistry: Formation of Benzene and Other Higher Hydrocarbons from Small Alkanes and Alkenes in a Catalytic Supersonic Nozzle. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.101, no.36, 6775-6780.

  71. Romm, L.; Somorjai, G.A. etc. "Formation of CmHn (m &ge; 3, n &le; m) hydrocarbons from C1 and C2 molecules by high&hyphen;temperature (&ge;1000&deg;C), short&hyphen;contact&hyphen;time (1&ndash;10 ms) nozzle beam reactions." Catalysis letters, v.64 no.2/4 (2000), pp. 85-93, doi:10.1023/A:1019032330286.

  72. Herschbach, Dudley R.. Paradigms in research and parables in teaching. Journal of chemical education, vol.70, no.5, 391-.

  73. Lib. Educ. Herschbach D 10 82 1996 

  74. 10.1201/9781003078357-7 Herschbach D. 1999. In The Thirteenth Labor, Improving Science Education , ed. EJ Chaisson, TC Kim, pp. 61-70. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach 

  75. Herschbach, D. R., Loeser, J. G., Watson, D. K.. Pseudomolecular atoms: geometry of two-electron intrashell excited states. Zeitschrift fur Physik. D, Atoms, molecules, and clusters, vol.10, no.2, 195-210.

  76. Johnston, H S. Atmospheric Ozone. Annual review of physical chemistry, vol.43, 1-31.

  77. Int. J. Quantum Chem. Wilson EB 17 14 1980 

  78. Daedalus Friedrich B 165 127 1998 

  79. J. Phys. Chem. Festschrift 2044 107 1993 

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