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Annual review of physical chemistry, v.51, 2000년, pp.473 - 499  

Zondlo, Mark A. (Advanced Study Program and Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80303) ,  Hudson, Paula K. (e-mail: zondlo@ucar.edu Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309) ,  Prenni, Anthony J. (e-mail: hudsonp@colorado.edu prenni@ucsu.colorado.edu tolbert@spot.colorado.edu) ,  Tolbert, Margaret A.


Abstract Ice particles found within polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) and upper tropospheric cirrus clouds can dramatically impact the chemistry and climate of the Earth's atmosphere. The formation of PSCs and the subsequent chemical reactions that occur on their surfaces are key components of the massive ozone hole observed each spring over Antarctica. Cirrus clouds also provide surfaces for heterogeneous reactions and significantly modify the Earth's climate by changing the visible and infrared radiation fluxes. Although the role of ice particles in climate and chemistry is well recognized, the exact mechanisms of cloud formation are still unknown, and thus it is difficult to predict how anthropogenic activities will change cloud abundances in the future. This article focuses on the nucleation, chemistry, and microphysical properties of ice particles composing PSCs and cirrus clouds. A general overview of the current state of research is presented along with some unresolved issues facing scientists in the future.

참고문헌 (129)

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  104. Singh, H. B., Herlth, D., O'Hara, D., Zahnle, K., Bradshaw, J. D., Sandholm, S. T., Talbot, R., Gregory, G. L., Sachse, G. W., Blake, D. R., Wofsy, S. C.. Summertime distribution of PAN and other reactive nitrogen species in the northern high‐latitude atmosphere of eastern Canada. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.99, no.d1, 1821-1835.

  105. Singh, H. B., Herlth, D., Kolyer, R., Salas, L., Bradshaw, J. D., Sandholm, S. T., Davis, D. D., Crawford, J., Kondo, Y., Koike, M., Talbot, R., Gregory, G. L., Sachse, G. W., Browell, E., Blake, D. R., Rowland, F. S., Newell, R., Merrill, J., Heikes, B., Liu, S. C., Crutzen, P. J., Kanakidou, M.. Reactive nitrogen and ozone over the western Pacific: Distribution, partitioning, and sources. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.101, no.d1, 1793-1808.

  106. Singh, H. B., Viezee, W., Chen, Y., Thakur, A. N., Kondo, Y., Talbot, R. W., Gregory, G. L., Sachse, G. W., Blake, D. R., Bradshaw, J. D., Wang, Y., Jacob, D. J.. Latitudinal distribution of reactive nitrogen in the free troposphere over the Pacific Ocean in late winter/early spring. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.103, no.d21, 28237-28246.

  107. Nitric acid (HNO3) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere at midlatitudes: New results from aircraft‐based mass spectrometric measurements. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.103, no.d19, 25337-25343.

  108. Kasibhatla, Prasad S.. NOY from sub‐sonic aircraft emissions: A Global three‐dimensional model study. Geophysical research letters, vol.20, no.16, 1707-1710.

  109. Arnold, F., Scheid, J., Stilp, Th., Schlager, H., Reinhardt, M. E.. Measurements of jet aircraft emissions at cruise altitude I: The odd‐nitrogen gases NO, NO2, HNO2 and HNO3. Geophysical research letters, vol.19, no.24, 2421-2424.

  110. Chatfield, Robert B.. Anomalous HNO3/NOx ratio of remote tropospheric air: Conversion of nitric acid to formic acid and NOx?. Geophysical research letters, vol.21, no.24, 2705-2708.

  111. Hauglustaine, D. A., Ridley, B. A., Solomon, S., Hess, P. G., Madronich, S.. HNO3/NOx ratio in the remote troposphere During MLOPEX 2: Evidence for nitric acid reduction on carbonaceous aerosols?. Geophysical research letters, vol.23, no.19, 2609-2612.

  112. Origin of tropospheric NOx over subarctic eastern Canada in summer. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.99, no.d8, 16867-16877.

  113. Rogaski, C. A., Golden, D. M., Williams, L. R.. Reactive uptake and hydration experiments on amorphous carbon treated with NO2, SO2, O3, HNO3, and H2SO4. Geophysical research letters, vol.24, no.4, 381-384.

  114. Tabazadeh, A., Jacobson, M. Z., Singh, H. B., Toon, O. B., Lin, J. S., Chatfield, R. B., Thakur, A. N., Talbot, R. W., Dibb, J. E.. Nitric acid scavenging by mineral and biomass burning aerosols. Geophysical research letters, vol.25, no.22, 4185-4188.

  115. Dentener, Frank J., Carmichael, Gregory R., Zhang, Yang, Lelieveld, Jos, Crutzen, Paul J.. Role of mineral aerosol as a reactive surface in the global troposphere. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.101, no.d17, 22869-22889.

  116. Abbatt, Jonathan P. D.. Interaction of HNO3 with water‐ice surfaces at temperatures of the free troposphere. Geophysical research letters, vol.24, no.12, 1479-1482.

  117. Zondlo, Mark A., Barone, Stephen B., Tolbert, Margaret A.. Uptake of HNO3 on ice under upper tropospheric conditions. Geophysical research letters, vol.24, no.11, 1391-1394.

  118. Leu, Ming‐Taun. Laboratory studies of sticking coefficients and heterogeneous reactions important in the Antarctic stratosphere. Geophysical research letters, vol.15, no.1, 17-20.

  119. Kärcher, B.. Heterogeneous chemistry in aircraft wakes: Constraints for uptake coefficients. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.102, no.d15, 19119-19135.

  120. Lawrence, Mark G., Crutzen, Paul J.. The impact of cloud particle gravitational settling on soluble trace gas distributions. Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology, vol.50, no.3, 263-.

  121. Weinheimer, A. J., Campos, T. L., Walega, J. G., Grahek, F. E., Ridley, B. A., Baumgardner, D., Twohy, C. H., Gandrud, B., Jensen, E. J.. Uptake of NOy on wave‐cloud ice particles. Geophysical research letters, vol.25, no.10, 1725-1728.

  122. Müller, Jean-François, Brasseur, Guy. IMAGES: A three-dimensional chemical transport model of the global troposphere. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.100, no.d8, 16445-.

  123. Jaeglé, L., Jacob, D. J., Wang, Y., Weinheimer, A. J., Ridley, B. A., Campos, T. L., Sachse, G. W., Hagen, D. E.. Sources and chemistry of NOx in the upper troposphere over the United States. Geophysical research letters, vol.25, no.10, 1705-1708.

  124. Talbot, R. W., Dibb, J. E., Scheuer, E. M., Kondo, Y., Koike, M., Singh, H. B., Salas, L. B., Fukui, Y., Ballenthin, J. O., Meads, R. F., Miller, T. M., Hunton, D. E., Viggiano, A. A., Blake, D. R., Blake, N. J., Atlas, E., Flocke, F., Jacob, D. J., Jaegle, L.. Reactive nitrogen budget during the NASA SONEX Mission. Geophysical research letters, vol.26, no.20, 3057-3060.

  125. Feigl, C., Schlager, H., Ziereis, H., Curtius, J., Arnold, F., Schiller, C.. Observation of NOy uptake by particles in the Arctic tropopause region at low temperatures. Geophysical research letters, vol.26, no.14, 2215-2218.

  126. Meilinger, S. K., Tsias, A., Dreiling, V., Kuhn, M., Feigl, Ch., Ziereis, H., Schlager, H., Curtius, J., Sierau, B., Arnold, F., Zöger, M., Schiller, C., Peter, Th.. HNO3 partitioning in cirrus clouds. Geophysical research letters, vol.26, no.14, 2207-2210.

  127. Abbatt, J. P. D., Beyer, K. D., Fucaloro, A. F., McMahon, J. R., Wooldridge, P. J., Zhang, R., Molina, M. J.. Interaction of HCl vapor with water-ice: Implications for the stratosphere. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.97, no.d14, 15819-.

  128. Hanson, David R., Mauersberger, Konrad.. Hydrogen chloride/water solid-phase vapor pressures and hydrogen chloride solubility in ice. The Journal of physical chemistry, vol.94, no.11, 4700-4705.

  129. Barone, S. B., Zondlo, M. A., Tolbert, M. A.. Investigation of the Heterogeneous Reactivity of HCl, HBr, and HI on Ice Surfaces. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory, vol.103, no.48, 9717-9730.

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