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[해외논문] Acute Rejection of Hepatic Allografts From HLA-DR13 (Allele DRB1*1301)-Positive Donors 원문보기

Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society, v.6 no.6, 2000년, pp.728 - 733  

Oertel, Michael (From the *Departments of Medicine II and ‡Surgery II and the †Institutes of Clinical Immunology and §Pathology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.) ,  Schwarz, Rene (From the *Departments of Medicine II and ‡Surgery II and the †Institutes of Clinical Immunology and §Pathology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.) ,  Tannapfel, Andrea (From the *Departments of Medicine II and ‡Surgery II and the †Institutes of Clinical Immunology and §Pathology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.) ,  Wenzke, Michael (From the *Departments of Medicine II and ‡Surgery II and the †Institutes of Clinical Immunology and §Pathology, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.) ,  Lamesch, Peter (From the *Departments of Medicine II and ‡Surgery II and the †Institutes of Clinical Immunology and §Pathology, University of Leip) ,  Hauss, Johann ,  Kohlhaw, Kay

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractAcute rejection of hepatic allografts does not show consistent association with the number of mismatches of HLA classes I and II. Therefore, we investigated the relation between specific donor or recipient HLA antigens and the occurrence of acute rejection. HLA typing of 35 liver transplant ...

참고문헌 (34)

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