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[해외논문] Jury Deliberation: An Observation Study

Group analysis, v.33 no.4, 2000년, pp.547 - 557  

Winship, Gary (West Berkshire NHS Trust)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this article, the way that the jury works is considered from a group-analytic perspective. Observational fieldwork of simulated jury deliberations is presented. The data was gathered from a joint funded Home Office and Law Commission project at the Socio Legal Studies Centre, Oxford in 1995. Inf...


참고문헌 (20)

  1. Free Associations Alford, F. 7 19 1990 

  2. Politics Aristotle 1905 

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  4. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis Bick, E. 558 45 1964 

  5. Justice of the Peace Clapham, B. 615 155 39 1991 

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  8. The Jury Under Attack Findlay, M. 1988 

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  10. Envy and Gratitude and Other Works 1946-1963 Klein, M. 1963 

  11. University of Michigan Journal of Law Reforms Mills, L.R. 671 1973 

  12. Pennington, Nancy, Hastie, Reid. Juror decision-making models: The generalization gap.. Psychological bulletin, vol.89, no.2, 246-287.

  13. Closely Observed Infants Rustin, M. 52 1989 

  14. The Good Society and the Inner World Rustin, M. 1990 

  15. Citizens Juries Stewart, J. 1994 

  16. Law and Sociology Strotbeck, F.L. 144 1962 

  17. Strodtbeck, Fred L., Hook, L. Harmon. The Social Dimensions of a Twelve-Man Jury Table. Sociometry, vol.24, no.4, 397-.

  18. Winship, G. (1995) `Psychoanalytic Group Observation of Children in the Setting of a Nursery - A Methodological Enquiry', MA Dissertation, London: Tavistock. 

  19. Free Associations Winship, G. 64 7 1 1997 

  20. Zeisel, Hans, Diamond, Shari Seidman. The Effect of Peremptory Challenges on Jury and Verdict: An Experiment in a Federal District Court. Stanford law review, vol.30, no.3, 491-.

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