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[해외논문] The use of qualitative strategies in participant and emancipatory research to evaluate disability service organizations

European journal of work and organizational psychology, v.9 no.4, 2000년, pp.515 - 526  

Smith, Brenda ,  O'Flynn, David


Disability research has taken two distinct directions-participant and emancipatory. These have been described as complementary approaches. Experiences in the use of qualitative strategies are discussed in the context of a participative evaluation of a network of work-related services for people with mental health problems undertaken by a team comprising practitioners, academic researchers, and co-researchers who were also users of the services being evaluated. Strengths and limitations of the approach are considered and recommendations made. The relationship between participant and emancipatory research approaches is discussed in the light of these experiences.

참고문헌 (35)

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  34. Webb, Christine. Action research: philosophy, methods and personal experiences. Journal of advanced nursing, vol.14, no.5, 403-410.

  35. Zarb, Gerry. On the Road to Damascus: First Steps towards Changing the Relations of Disability Research Production. Disability, handicap & society, vol.7, no.2, 125-138.

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