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[해외논문] Transgene stacking in plants in the absence of sexual crossing

Molecular breeding : new strategies in plant improvement, v.6 no.5, 2000년, pp.529 - 536  

Sugita, Koichi (Wood-Bioengineering, Pulp and Paper Research Laboratory, R&) ,  Matsunaga, Etsuko (D Division, Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd., 5-21-1 Oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0002, Japan) ,  Kasahara, Takehide (Wood-Bioengineering, Pulp and Paper Research Laboratory, R&) ,  Ebinuma, Hiroyasu (D Division, Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd., 5-21-1 Oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0002, Japan)


A transgene stacking system is a prerequisite for the introduction of multiple genes and for the modification of complex metabolic pathways in plants. We demonstrate here that the MAT-vector system previously used for generating marker-free transgenic plants is also an efficient and reliable transformation system for the repeated introduction of multiple transgenes independent of sexual crossing. We previously reported that the GST-MAT vector system, in which excision of the yeast site-specific recombination R/RS system is regulated by the maize GST-II-27 promoter, could generate marker-free transgenic plants containing a single transgene with high frequency. Here we show that the GST-MAT vector can be used successfully to introduce a second transgene (GFP) into a marker-free transgenic tobacco line containing single copies of the first transgenes (nptII and uidA genes). The transgene-stacked marker-free transgenic tobacco plants were generated from ca. 20% of excision-positive ipt-shooty explants within 5 months of Agrobacterium infection. The presence of uidA, nptII, GFP genes and the absence of the ipt gene were verified by PCR analyses. Furthermore, Southern blot analysis showed that no chromosomal rearrangements were introduced between the first and second transformations.


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