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[해외논문] Masking Unmasked in the Proportional Hazards Model

Biometrics, v.56 no.4, 2000년, pp.991 - 995  

Wei, Wen Hsiang (Department of Statistics, Tung Hai University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. email: wenwei@mail.thu.edu.tw) ,  Kosorok, Michael R. (Department of Statistics and Biostatistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53792–)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Summary. Influence measures based on the pairwise deletion approach and the differentiation approach are developed for unmasking observations masked by other observations in the proportional hazards model. These influential observations might have substantial impact on statistical inference and mig...


참고문헌 (13)

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  3. Cain, Kevin C., Lange, Nicholas T.. Approximate Case Influence for the Proportional Hazards Regression Model with Censored Data. Biometrics, vol.40, no.2, 493-.

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  9. Reid, N., Crepeau, H.. Influence Functions for Proportional Hazards Regression. Biometrika, vol.72, no.1, 1-9.

  10. Schoenfeld, David. Partial Residuals for The Proportional Hazards Regression Model. Biometrika, vol.69, no.1, 239-241.

  11. Journal of the American Statistical Association Storer B. E. 139 80 1985 10.1080/01621459.1985.10477153 A diagnostic for Cox regression and general conditional likelihoods 

  12. Therneau, Terry M., Grambsch, Patricia M., Fleming, Thomas R.. Martingale-Based Residuals for Survival Models. Biometrika, vol.77, no.1, 147-160.

  13. Wei, Wen Hsiang, Fung, Wing Kam. The mean-shift outlier model in general weighted regression and its applications. Computational statistics & data analysis, vol.30, no.4, 429-441.

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