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[해외논문] Fatigue and Relatedness Experiences of Inordinately Tired Women

Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, v.32 no.4, 2000년, pp.339 - 345  

Dzurec, Laura Cox

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: To examine the association of fatigue and interpersonal relatedness of fatigued women.Design: Hermeneutics.Methods: Seventeen fatigued American women, recruited through purposive sampling, were interviewed. Questions were based on data from previous research of women's fatigue and on cha...

참고문헌 (23)

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  20. Ream, Emma, Richardson, Alison. Fatigue: a concept analysis. International journal of nursing studies, vol.33, no.5, 519-529.

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  22. Speckens, A. E. M., Van Hemert, A. M., Bolk, J. H., Rooijmans, H. G. M., Hengeveld, M. W.. Unexplained physical symptoms: outcome, utilization of medical care and associated factors. Psychological medicine, vol.26, no.4, 745-752.

  23. Tiesinga, Lucas J., Dassen, Theo W. N., Halfens, Ruud J. G.. Fatigue: A Summary of the Definitions, Dimensions, and Indicators. Nursing diagnosis : ND : the official journal of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, vol.7, no.2, 51-62.

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