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NTIS 바로가기Blood, v.96 no.10, 2000년, pp.3369 - 3373
Singer, Sylvia T. (From the Department of Hematology) , Wu, Vivian (From the Department of Hematology) , Mignacca, Robert (From the Department of Hematology) , Kuypers, Frans A. (From the Department of Hematology) , Morel, Phyllis , Vichinsky, Elliott P.
The development of hemolytic alloantibodies and erythrocyte autoantibodies complicates transfusion therapy in thalassemia patients. The frequency, causes, and prevention of this phenomena among 64 transfused thalassemia patients (75% Asian) were evaluated. The effect of red blood cell (RBC) phenotyp...
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