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[해외논문] The value of informant versus individual’s complaints of memory impairment in early dementia

Neurology, v.55 no.11, 2000년, pp.1724 - 1727  

Carr, David B. (From the Departments of Neurology and Pathology, Division of Neuropathology (Dr. Morris), the Division of Biostatistics (J. Baty), the Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology (Dr. Carr), and the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (Dr. Morris), Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO) ,  Gray, Steven (and the Division of Family Medicine (Dr. Gray), Valley Medical Center, Renton, WA.) ,  Baty, Jack (From the Departments of Neurology and Pathology, Division of Neuropathology (Dr. Morris), the Division of Biostatistics (J. Baty), the Department of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology (Dr. Carr), and the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (Dr. Morris), Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO) ,  Morris, John C. (and the Division of Family Medicine (Dr. Gray), Valley Medical Center, Renton, WA.)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (10)

  1. Grut, Michaela, Jorm, Anthony F., Fratiglioni, Laura, Forsell, Yvonne, Viitanen, Matti, Winblad, Bengt. Memory Complaints of Elderly People in a Population Survey: Variation According to Dementia Stage and Depression. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol.41, no.12, 1295-1300.

  2. Reisberg, B., Ferris, S.H., Shulman, E., Steinberg, G., Buttinger, C., Sinaiko, E., Borenstein, J., De Leon, M.J., Cohen, J.. Longitudinal course of normal aging and progressive dementia of the Alzheimer's type: A prospective study of 106 subjects over a 3.6 year mean interval. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry, vol.10, no.3, 571-578.

  3. O'Brien, John T., Beats, Barbara, Hill, Katie, Howard, Robert, Sahakian, Barbara, Levy, Raymond. Do subjective memory complaints precede dementia? A three‐year follow‐up of patients with supposed ‘benign senescent forgetfulness’. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, vol.7, no.7, 481-486.

  4. Flicker, Charles, Ferris, Steven H., Reisberg, Barry. A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive Function in Elderly Persons with Subjective Memory Complaints. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol.41, no.10, 1029-1032.

  5. Berg, L, Hughes, C P, Coben, L A, Danziger, W L, Martin, R L, Knesevich, J. Mild senile dementia of Alzheimer type: research diagnostic criteria, recruitment, and description of a study population.. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, vol.45, no.11, 962-968.

  6. Morris, John C.. The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) : Current version and scoring rules. Neurology, vol.43, no.11, 2412-.

  7. 10.1016/0022-3956(82)90033-4 Yesavage JA Brink TL Rose TL et al. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. Psychiatry Res . 1982 -3;17 

  8. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-III) 3rd ed rev. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Association 1987. 

  9. Wang, Pei‐Ning, Wang, Shuu‐Jiun, Fuh, Jong‐Ling, Teng, Evelyn Lee, Liu, Chia‐Yih, Lin, Cheng‐Huai, Shyu, Hann‐Yeh, Lu, Sbiang‐Ru, Chen, Chao‐Ching, Liu, Hsiu‐Chih. Subjective Memory Complaint in Relation to Cognitive Performance and Depression: A Longitudinal Study of a Rural Chinese Population. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol.48, no.3, 295-299.

  10. Tierney, M C, Szalai, J P, Snow, W G, Fisher, R H. The prediction of Alzheimer disease. The role of patient and informant perceptions of cognitive deficits.. Archives of neurology, vol.53, no.5, 423-427.

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