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[해외논문] The New Negro Movement and the African Heritage in A Pan-Africanist Perspective

Journal of black studies, v.31 no.3, 2001년, pp.288 - 310  

Delgado-Tall, Sonia (Roosevelt University)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (30)

  1. The history of the colored race in America Alexander, W. T. 1968 

  2. Classic fiction of the Harlem Renaissance Andrews, W. L. 1994 

  3. Langston Hughes: Before and beyond Harlem Berry, F. 1992 

  4. The crisis of the Negro intellectual from its origins to the present Cruse, H. 1967 

  5. Cullen, C. (1925). What is Africa to me? InColor (pp. 36-37). New York: Harper. 

  6. Patterns of civilization: Africa Damsel, S. T. 1975 

  7. The origin of races and color, principia of ethnology Delany, M. R. 1991 

  8. Dusk to dawn: An essay toward an autobiography of a race concept DuBois, W.E.B. 1968 

  9. The souls of Black folks DuBois, W.E.B. 1990 

  10. The African dream Griffith, C. 1975 

  11. Africans and their history Harris, J. E. 1987 

  12. The Black dance in America Haskins, J. 1990 

  13. Zora Neale Hurston: A literary biography Hemenway, R. 1977 

  14. The myth of the Negro past Herskovitz, M. 1958 

  15. A primer of facts pertaining to the early greatness of the African race and the possibility of restoration by its descendants Hopkins, P. E. 1905 

  16. Voices of the Harlem Renaissance Huggins, N. 1995 10.1093/oso/9780195093605.001.0001 

  17. An African treasury Hughes, L. 1961 

  18. The big sea Hughes, L. 1940 

  19. The Harlem Renaissance in Black and White Hutchinson, G. 1995 

  20. The New York Times Jefferson, M. 1996 

  21. Classic fiction of the Harlem Renaissance Larsen, N. 258 1994 

  22. Negro art: Past and present Locke, A. L. 1936 

  23. The new Negro Locke, A. L. 1968 

  24. The blues aesthetic: Black culture and modernism Powell, R. 1989 

  25. A Dance of the Forests Soyinka, W. 1963 

  26. Infants of spring Thurman, W. 1932 

  27. I love myself when I am laughing....AZora Neale Hurston reader Walker, A. 1979 

  28. The Harlem Renaissance Watson, S. 1995 

  29. Ebony kinship Weisborg, R. 1973 10.5040/9798216965701 

  30. History of the Negro Race in America, 1619-1880 Williams, G. W. 1968 

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