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[해외논문] Lineage-dependent gene expression programs influence the immune landscape of colorectal cancer

Nature genetics, v.52 no.6, 2020년, pp.594 - 603  

Lee, Hae-Ock ,  Hong, Yourae ,  Etlioglu, Hakki Emre ,  Cho, Yong Beom ,  Pomella, Valentina ,  Van den Bosch, Ben ,  Vanhecke, Jasper ,  Verbandt, Sara ,  Hong, Hyekyung ,  Min, Jae-Woong ,  Kim, Nayoung ,  Eum, Hye Hyeon ,  Qian, Junbin ,  Boeckx, Bram ,  Lambrechts, Diether ,  Tsantoulis, Petros ,  De Hertogh, Gert ,  Chung, Woosung ,  Lee, Taeseob ,  An, Minae ,  Shin, Hyun-Tae ,  Joung, Je-Gun ,  Jung, Min-Hyeok ,  Ko, Gunhwan ,  Wirapati, Pratyaksha ,  Kim, Seok Hyung ,  Kim, Hee Cheol ,  Yun, Seong Hyeon ,  Tan, Iain Bee Huat ,  Ranjan, Bobby ,  Lee, Woo Yong ,  Kim, Tae-You ,  Choi, Jung Kyoon ,  Kim, Young-Joon ,  Prabhakar, Shyam ,  Tejpar, Sabine ,  Park, Woong-Yang

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