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[해외논문] Design and synthesis of multigrain nanocrystals via geometric misfit strain

Nature, v.577 no.7790 = no.7790, 2020년, pp.359 - 363  

Oh, Myoung Hwan ,  Cho, Min Gee ,  Chung, Dong Young ,  Park, Inchul ,  Kwon, Youngwook Paul ,  Ophus, Colin ,  Kim, Dokyoon ,  Kim, Min Gyu ,  Jeong, Beomgyun ,  Gu, X. Wendy ,  Jo, Jinwoung ,  Yoo, Ji Mun ,  Hong, Jaeyoung ,  McMains, Sara ,  Kang, Kisuk ,  Sung, Yung-Eun ,  Alivisatos, A. Paul ,  Hyeon, Taeghwan

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