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[해외논문] Limits of canonical forms on towers of Riemann surfaces 원문보기

Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, v.2020 no.764 = no.764, 2020년, pp.287 - 304  

Baik, Hyungryul ,  Shokrieh, Farbod ,  Wu, Chenxi


AbstractWe prove a generalized version of Kazhdan’s theorem for canonical forms on Riemann surfaces. In the classical version, one starts with an ascending sequence[FORMULA OMISSION]of finite Galois covers of a hyperbolic Riemann surfaceS, converging to theuniversal cover. The theorem states that the sequence of forms onSinherited from the canonical forms on[FORMULA OMISSION]’s converges uniformly to (a multiple of) the hyperbolic form. We prove a generalized version of this theorem, wherethe universal coveris replaced withany infinite Galois cover. Along the way, we also prove a Gauss-Bonnet-type theorem in the context of arbitrary infinite Galois covers.

참고문헌 (26)

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