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[해외논문] Jamming Prediction for Radar Signals Using Machine Learning Methods 원문보기

Security and communication networks, v.2020, 2020년, pp.1 - 9  

Lee, Gyeong-Hoon (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Jo, Jeil (The 2nd Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development, Daejeon, Republic of Korea) ,  Park, Cheong Hee (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Jamming is a form of electronic warfare where jammers radiate interfering signals toward an enemy radar, disrupting the receiver. The conventional method for determining an effective jamming technique corresponding to a threat signal is based on the library which stores the appropriate jamming metho...

참고문헌 (13)

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  11. Morales Ferre, Ruben, de la Fuente, Alberto, Lohan, Elena Simona. Jammer Classification in GNSS Bands Via Machine Learning Algorithms. Sensors, vol.19, no.22, 4841-.

  12. The Journal of Machine Learning Research 15 1 1929 2014 

  13. COURSERA: Neural Networks for Machine Learning 4 2 2012 


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