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[해외논문] Development of a prototype radio-frequency system for a radio-frequency quadrupole cooler buncher in the rare isotope science project

Review of scientific instruments, v.91 no.1, 2020년, pp.013324 -   

Heo, Seongjin (Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science 1 , Daejeon 34000, South Korea) ,  Boussaid, Ramzi (Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science 1 , Daejeon 34000, South Korea) ,  Shin, Taeksu (Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science 1 , Daejeon 34000, South Korea) ,  Park, Young-Ho (Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science 1 , Daejeon 34000, South Korea) ,  Son, Hyock-Jun (Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science 1 , Daejeon 34000, South Korea) ,  Moon, Jun-Young (Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science 1 , Daejeon 34000, South Korea) ,  Kim, Eun-San (Department of Accelerator Science, Korea University 2 , Sejong 30019, South Korea) ,  Bahng, Jungbae (Department of Accelerator Science, Korea University 2 , Sejong 30019, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Radioactive ion beams produced using the isotope separation on-line method in the Rare isotope Accelerator complex for ON-line (RAON) experiment are to be delivered with a beam emittance of around 3 π mm mrad, an energy spread of less than 10 eV, and a short beam bunch width of around 10 µs...

참고문헌 (6)

  1. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 408 334 2017 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.03.131 Development of an EBIS charge breeder for the rare isotope science project 

  2. R. Boussaïd, “Etude et développement d’un refroidisseur radiofréquence à gaz tampon pour des faisceaux radioactifs de très hautes intensités (study and development of a radiofrequency cooler with buffer gas for a very high intensity radioactive beams),” Ph.D. thesis, Université de Caen, 2012. 

  3. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 676 32 2012 10.1016/j.nima.2012.02.004 TITAN’s digital RFQ ion beam cooler and buncher, operation and performance 

  4. I. Podadera Aliseda, “New developments on preparation of cooled and bunched radioactive ion beams at ISOL facilities: The ISCOOL project and the rotating wall cooling,” Ph.D. thesis, Université Polytechnique de Catalunya, 2006. 

  5. MOPG33 2017 Design of RISP RFQ cooler buncher 

  6. Appl. Phys. B 107 921 2012 10.1007/s00340-011-4837-0 On the application of radio frequency voltages to ion traps via helical resonators 


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