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[해외논문] Nonlinear gyrokinetic analysis of linear ohmic confinement to saturated ohmic confinement transition

Nuclear fusion. Fusion nucléaire. &n.Illigat;&n.Arligat;derny&n.ibreve; sintez. Fusión nuclear, v.60 no.3, 2020년, pp.036009 -   

Qi, L. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon 169-148, Korea, Republic of) ,  Kwon, J.-M. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon 169-148, Korea, Republic of) ,  Jhang, H. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon 169-148, Korea, Republic of) ,  Hahm, T.S. (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea, Republic of) ,  Leconte, M. (National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon 169-148, Korea, Republic of)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This work presents a nonlinear gyrokinetic analysis, which addresses one of the perennial conundrums in ohmically heated fusion plasmas. The widely observed linear ohmic confinement (LOC) to saturated ohmic confinement (SOC) transition of the energy confinement time with increasing density is succe...

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