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[해외논문] Reflectivity and PDE of VUV4 Hamamatsu SiPMs in liquid xenon 원문보기

Journal of instrumentation an IOP and SISSA journal, v.15 no.1, 2020년, pp.P01019 - P01019  

Nakarmi, P. ,  Ostrovskiy, I. ,  Soma, A.K. ,  Retière, F. ,  Kharusi, S. Al ,  Alfaris, M. ,  Anton, G. ,  Arnquist, I.J. ,  Badhrees, I. ,  Barbeau, P.S. ,  Beck, D. ,  Belov, V. ,  Bhatta, T. ,  Blatchford, J. ,  Breur, P.A. ,  Brodsky, J.P. ,  Brown, E. ,  Brunner, T. ,  Mamahit, S. Byrne ,  Caden, E. ,  Cao, G.F. ,  Cao, L. ,  Chambers, C. ,  Chana, B. ,  Charlebois, S.A. ,  Chiu, M. ,  Cleveland, B. ,  Coon, M. ,  Craycraft, A. ,  Dalmasson, J. ,  Daniels, T. ,  Darroch, L. ,  Croix, A. De St. ,  Mesrobian-Kabakian, A. Der ,  DeVoe, R. ,  Vacri, M.L. Di ,  Dilling, J. ,  Ding, Y.Y. ,  Dolinski, M.J. ,  Doria, L. ,  Dragone, A. ,  Echevers, J. ,  Edaltafar, F. ,  Elbeltagi, M. ,  Fabris, L. ,  Fairbank, D. ,  Fairbank, W. ,  Farine, J. ,  Ferrara, S. ,  Feyzbakhsh, S. ,  Fontaine, R. ,  Fucarino, A. ,  Gallina, G. ,  Gautam, P. ,  Giacomini, G. ,  Goeldi, D. ,  Gornea, R. ,  Gratta, G. ,  Hansen, E.V. ,  Heffner, M. ,  Hoppe, E.W. ,  Hößl, J. ,  House, A. ,  Hughes, M. ,  Iverson, A. ,  Jamil, A. ,  Jewell, M.J. ,  Jiang, X.S. ,  Kar

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참고문헌 (43)

  1. Albert, J. B., Anton, G., Arnquist, I. J., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, P., Beck, D., Belov, V., Bourque, F., Brodsky, J. P., Brown, E., Brunner, T., Burenkov, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, L., Cen, W. R., Chambers, C., Charlebois, S. A., Chiu, M., Cleveland, B., Coon, M., Craycraft, A., Cree, W., Côté, M., Dalmasson, J., Daniels, T., Daugherty, S. J., Daughhetee, J., Delaquis, S., Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, A., DeVoe, R., Didberidze, T., Dilling, J., Ding, Y. Y., Dolinski, M. J., Dragone, A., Fabris, L., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Feyzbakhsh, S., Fontaine, R., Fudenberg, D., Giacomini, G., Gornea, R., Graham, K., Gratta, G., Hansen, E. V., Harris, D., Hasan, M., Heffner, M., Hoppe, E. W., House, A., Hufschmidt, P., Hughes, M., Hößl, J., Ito, Y., Iverson, A., Jamil, A., Jewell, M., Jiang, X. S., Johnson, T. N., Johnston, S., Karelin, A., Kaufman, L. J., Killick, R., Koffas, T., Kravitz, S., Krücken, R., Kuchenkov,. Sensitivity and discovery potential of the proposed nEXO experiment to neutrinoless double- β decay. Physical review. C, vol.97, no.6, 065503-.

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  5. Silva, C., Pinto da Cunha, J., Pereira, A., Chepel, V., Lopes, M. I., Solovov, V., Neves, F.. Reflectance of polytetrafluoroethylene for xenon scintillation light. Journal of applied physics, vol.107, no.6, 064902-.

  6. Silva, C., Pinto da Cunha, J., Pereira, A., Lopes, M.I., Chepel, V., Solovov, V., Neves, F.. A model of the reflection distribution in the vacuum ultra violet region. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, vol.619, no.1, 59-62.

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  13. Ostrovskiy, I., Retiere, F., Auty, D., Dalmasson, J., Didberidze, T., DeVoe, R., Gratta, G., Huth, L., James, L., Lupin-Jimenez, L., Ohmart, N., Piepke, A.. Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for nEXO. IEEE transactions on nuclear science, vol.62, no.4, 1825-1836.

  14. Jamil, A., Ziegler, T., Hufschmidt, P., Li, G., Lupin-Jimenez, L., Michel, T., Ostrovskiy, I., Retière, F., Schneider, J., Wagenpfeil, M., Alamre, A., Albert, J. B., Anton, G., Arnquist, I. J., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, P. S., Beck, D., Belov, V., Bhatta, T., Bourque, F., Brodsky, J. P., Brown, E., Brunner, T., Burenkov, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, L., Cen, W. R., Chambers, C., Charlebois, S. A., Chiu, M., Cleveland, B., Coon, M., Côté, M., Craycraft, A., Cree, W., Dalmasson, J., Daniels, T., Darroch, L., Daugherty, S. J., Daughhetee, J., Delaquis, S., Mesrobian-Kabakian, A. Der, DeVoe, R., Dilling, J., Ding, Y. Y., Dolinski, M. J., Dragone, A., Echevers, J., Fabris, L., Fairbank, D., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Feyzbakhsh, S., Fontaine, R., Fudenberg, D., Gallina, G., Giacomini, G., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Hansen, E. V., Harris, D., Hasan, M., Heffner, M., Hößl, J., Hoppe, E. W., House, A., Hughes, M., I. VUV-Sensitive Silicon Photomultipliers for Xenon Scintillation Light Detection in nEXO. IEEE transactions on nuclear science, vol.65, no.11, 2823-2833.

  15. Gallina, G., Giampa, P., Retière, F., Kroeger, J., Zhang, G., Ward, M., Margetak, P., Li, G., Tsang, T., Doria, L., Al Kharusi, S., Alfaris, M., Anton, G., Arnquist, I.J., Badhrees, I., Barbeau, P.S., Beck, D., Belov, V., Bhatta, T., Blatchford, J., Brodsky, J.P., Brown, E., Brunner, T., Cao, G.F., Cao, L., Cen, W.R., Chambers, C., Charlebois, S.A., Chiu, M., Cleveland, B., Coon, M., Craycraft, A., Dalmasson, J., Daniels, T., Darroch, L., Daugherty, S.J., De St. Croix, A., Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, A., DeVoe, R., Dilling, J., Ding, Y.Y., Dolinski, M.J., Dragone, A., Echevers, J., Elbeltagi, M., Fabris, L., Fairbank, D., Fairbank, W., Farine, J., Feyzbakhsh, S., Fontaine, R., Gautam, P., Giacomini, G., Gornea, R., Gratta, G., Hansen, E.V., Heffner, M., Hoppe, E.W., Hößl, J., House, A., Hughes, M., Ito, Y., Iverson, A., Jamil, A., Jewell, M.J., Jiang, X.S., Karelin, A., Kaufman, L.J., Kodroff, D., Koffas, T.. Characterization of the Hamamatsu VUV4 MPPCs for nEXO. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, vol.940, 371-379.

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  29. Silva, C.P., Pinto da Cunha, J., Chepel, V., Pereira, A., Solovov, V., Mendes, P., Neves, F., Lopes, M.I.. Measuring the angular profile of the reflection of xenon scintillation light. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, vol.580, no.1, 322-325.

  30. Werner, Wolfgang S. M., Glantschnig, Kathrin, Ambrosch-Draxl, Claudia. Optical Constants and Inelastic Electron-Scattering Data for 17 Elemental Metals. Journal of physical and chemical reference data, vol.38, no.4, 1013-1092.

  31. Lacaita, A.L., Zappa, F., Bigliardi, S., Manfredi, M.. On the bremsstrahlung origin of hot-carrier-induced photons in silicon devices. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.40, no.3, 577-582.

  32. A.N. Otte 

  33. 2014 10.1088/0031-9155/59/13/3615 59 0031-9155 Phys. Med. Biol. A. Gola 

  34. nEXO collaboration 


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