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[해외논문] Analysis of Spectrum Requirements for Autonomous Driving Using SINR Probability Distributions

IEEE communications letters : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society, v.24 no.1, 2020년, pp.202 - 206  

Choi, Suna (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Park, Seungkeun (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kang, Kyu-Min (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Ahn, Seungyoung (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the development of fifth generation of wireless communication technologies that meet the requirements of high reliability and low latency, autonomous driving is getting closer to reality. In recent years, as interest in autonomous driving has greatly increased, an international consensus has em...

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Queuing Analysis takagi 1991 

  2. Future Spectrum Requirements Estimate for Terrestrial IMT 2013 

  3. Technical specification group radio access network physical layer procedures 2018 

  4. Updated UMI Calibration Results for User Experience Data Rate in the Multi-Layer Network Deployment 2018 

  5. Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced 2020 

  6. Methodology for Calculation of Spectrum Requirement for the Terrestrial Component of International Mobile Telecommunications 2013 

  7. SAKAGUCHI, Kei, HAUSTEIN, Thomas, BARBAROSSA, Sergio, STRINATI, Emilio Calvanese, CLEMENTE, Antonio, DESTINO, Giuseppe, PÄRSSINEN, Aarno, KIM, Ilgyu, CHUNG, Heesang, KIM, Junhyeong, KEUSGEN, Wilhelm, WEILER, Richard J., TAKINAMI, Koji, CECI, Elena, SADRI, Ali, XIAN, Liang, MALTSEV, Alexander, TRAN, Gia Khanh, OGAWA, Hiroaki, MAHLER, Kim, HEATH Jr., Robert W.. Where, When, and How mmWave is Used in 5G and Beyond. IEICE transactions on electronics, vol.100e.c, no.10, 790-808.

  8. Seif, Heiko G., Hu, Xiaolong. Autonomous Driving in the iCity-HD Maps as a Key Challenge of the Automotive Industry. Engineering : (beijing, china), vol.2, no.2, 159-162.

  9. Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies 2017 

  10. Technical specification group radio access network Study on LTE-based V2X services 2016 

  11. Data is the New Oil in the Future of Automated Driving krzanich 2016 

  12. Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Study on Enhancement of 3GPP Support for 5G V2X Service 2018 

  13. Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Study on LTE Support for Vehicle to Everything Service 2015 

  14. Guidelines for Evaluation of Radio Interface Technologies for IMT-2020 2017 


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