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[국내논문] Active Bumpy PtPd Nanocubes for Methanol Oxidation Reaction 원문보기

Bulletin of the Korean chemical society, v.41 no.2, 2020년, pp.237 - 240  

Kim, Heon Chul (Department of Chemistry University of Ulsan Ulsan 44776 South Korea) ,  Pramadewandaru, Respati K. (Department of Chemistry University of Ulsan Ulsan 44776 South Korea) ,  Lee, Su‐Un (Carbon Resources Institute, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology 141, Gajeong‐) ,  Hong, Jong Wook (ro, Yuseong‐)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Hong, Jong Wook, Kim, Yena, Kwon, Yongmin, Han, Sang Woo. Noble‐Metal Nanocrystals with Controlled Facets for Electrocatalysis. Chemistry, an Asian journal, vol.11, no.16, 2224-2239.

  2. Rodrigues, Thenner S., da Silva, Anderson G. M., Camargo, Pedro H. C.. Nanocatalysis by noble metal nanoparticles: controlled synthesis for the optimization and understanding of activities. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.7, no.11, 5857-5874.

  3. Gilroy, Kyle D., Ruditskiy, Aleksey, Peng, Hsin-Chieh, Qin, Dong, Xia, Younan. Bimetallic Nanocrystals: Syntheses, Properties, and Applications. Chemical reviews, vol.116, no.18, 10414-10472.

  4. Hong, Jong Wook, Kim, Dongheun, Lee, Young Wook, Kim, Minjung, Kang, Shin Wook, Han, Sang Woo. Atomic‐Distribution‐Dependent Electrocatalytic Activity of Au–Pd Bimetallic Nanocrystals. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.50, no.38, 8876-8880.

  5. Sarkar, Shreya, Peter, Sebastian C.. An overview on Pd-based electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction. Inorganic chemistry frontiers : an international journal of inorganic chemistry, vol.5, no.9, 2060-2080.

  6. Shao, Minhua, Chang, Qiaowan, Dodelet, Jean-Pol, Chenitz, Regis. Recent Advances in Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Chemical reviews, vol.116, no.6, 3594-3657.

  7. Univ. Sci. Sharma G. 257 31 2019 

  8. Hong, Jong Wook, Kang, Shin Wook, Choi, Bu-Seo, Kim, Dongheun, Lee, Sang Bok, Han, Sang Woo. Controlled Synthesis of Pd–Pt Alloy Hollow Nanostructures with Enhanced Catalytic Activities for Oxygen Reduction. ACS nano, vol.6, no.3, 2410-2419.

  9. Yin, An-Xiang, Min, Xiao-Quan, Zhang, Ya-Wen, Yan, Chun-Hua. Shape-Selective Synthesis and Facet-Dependent Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity and Durability of Monodisperse Sub-10 nm Pt−Pd Tetrahedrons and Cubes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.133, no.11, 3816-3819.

  10. Ataee‐Esfahani, Hamed, Imura, Masataka, Yamauchi, Yusuke. All‐Metal Mesoporous Nanocolloids: Solution‐Phase Synthesis of Core–Shell Pd@Pt Nanoparticles with a Designed Concave Surface. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.52, no.51, 13611-13615.

  11. Wang, Wei, Cao, Zhenming, Liu, Kai, Chen, Jiayu, Wang, Yuanyuan, Xie, Shuifen. Ligand-Assisted, One-Pot Synthesis of Rh-on-Cu Nanoscale Sea Urchins with High-Density Interfaces for Boosting CO Oxidation. Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.17, no.12, 7613-7619.

  12. Huang, Xiaoqing, Zhu, Enbo, Chen, Yu, Li, Yongjia, Chiu, Chin‐Yi, Xu, Yuxi, Lin, Zhaoyang, Duan, Xiangfeng, Huang, Yu. A Facile Strategy to Pt3Ni Nanocrystals with Highly Porous Features as an Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalyst. Advanced materials, vol.25, no.21, 2974-2979.

  13. Lee, Young Wook, Im, Mintaek, Hong, Jong Wook, Han, Sang Woo. Dendritic Ternary Alloy Nanocrystals for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Oxidation Reactions. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.9, no.50, 44018-44026.

  14. Zhang, Hui, Jin, Mingshang, Liu, Hongyang, Wang, Jinguo, Kim, Moon J., Yang, Deren, Xie, Zhaoxiong, Liu, Jingyue, Xia, Younan. Facile Synthesis of Pd–Pt Alloy Nanocages and Their Enhanced Performance for Preferential Oxidation of CO in Excess Hydrogen. ACS nano, vol.5, no.10, 8212-8222.

  15. Yuan, Qiang, Zhuang, Jing, Wang, Xun. Single-phase aqueous approach toward Pd sub-10 nm nanocubes and Pd–Pt heterostructured ultrathin nanowires. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.2009, no.43, 6613-6615.


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