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[해외논문] A Pulsatile Pneumatically Driven Neonatal Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation System Using Neck Vessel Cannulas Tested with Neonatal Mock Circulation

Artificial organs, v.25 no.1, 2001년, pp.29 - 35  

Trittenwein, Gerhard ,  Burda, Gudrun ,  Trittenwein, Hildegard ,  Golej, Johann ,  Hermon, Michael ,  Pollak, Arnold

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract: In posthypoxic circulatory failure, pulsatility of flow generated by mechanical support devices significantly influences outcome. Pneumatically driven assist devices can create highly pulsatile flow, but need large graft cannulas implanted by thoracotomy in children and neonates. Emergency...

참고문헌 (15)

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  4. Sezai, Akira, Shiono, Motomi, Orime, Yukihiko, Nakata, Kin-ichi, Hata, Mitsumasa, Iida, Mitsuru, Nemoto, Mitsuhiro, Kohjima, Takashi, Sezai, Yukiyasu, Taniguchi, Yoshiki. Microcirculation of kidney and skin during left ventricular assisted circulation -Comparative studies of pulsatile and nonpulsatile assists-. The Japanese journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official publication of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery = Nihon Kyōbu Geka Gakkai zasshi, vol.46, no.12, 1239-1246.

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  12. Trittenwein, G., Zamberger, A., Trittenwein, H., Burda, G., Golej, J., Hermon, M., Pollak, A.. A Simple Neonatal Mock Circulation Enabling Pulsatility and Different Hemodynamical States for Neonatal ECMO Research: Application to Assess theEffect of a Centrifugal Pump Operated Neonatal ECMO System on the Circulation. Artificial organs, vol.22, no.5, 414-418.

  13. Trittenwein, Gerhard, Fürst, Gerhard, Golej, Johann, Frenzel, Karola, Burda, Gudrun, Hermon, Michael, Marx, Manfred, Wollenek, Gregor, Pollak, Arnold. Preoperative ECMO in congenital cyanotic heart disease using the AREC system. The Annals of thoracic surgery, vol.63, no.5, 1298-1302.

  14. Pohl, Manfred, Wendt, Max Otto, Werner, Sabine, Koch, Brigitte, Lerche, Dietmar. In Vitro Testing of Artificial Heart Valves: Comparison Between Newtonian and Non‐Newtonian Fluids. Artificial organs, vol.20, no.1, 37-46.

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