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[해외논문] Reactivity of 99mTc(V) ''3+1''mixed-ligand complexes towards glutathione

Radiochimica acta, v.89 no.1, 2001년, pp.43 - 50  

Gupta, A. ,  Seifert, S. ,  Syhre, R. ,  Scheunemann, M. ,  Brust, P. ,  Johannsen, B.


The stability and reactivity of mixed-ligand99mTc complexes of the general formula [99mTcOL1L2], where L1H2is either an N-substituted bis-(2-mercaptoethyl)amine [SNMeS] or 3-thiapentane-1,5-dithiol [SSS] and L2H is a monodentate thiol [RS], were investigated. The complexes undergo transchelation reactions with glutathione and other SH-group containing blood constituents. The reactions are reversible and can be inhibited by addition of diethylmaleate. Challenge experiments were performed with a broad set of99mTc mixed-ligand complexes to investigate the influence of both the tridentate ligand and the monodentate ligand on the stability of this type of complex. The occurrence of ligand exchange reactions with glutathione depends on the donor set of the tridentate ligands as well as the structure of the monodentate ligands. Especially the stability of complexes containing a monodentate ligand with an amine nitrogen in the side chain can be increased by lengthening the carbon chain between the sulfhydryl group and the nitrogen. Thus, it might be possible to improve their in-vivo performance.

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Johannsen, B., Scheunemann, M., Spies, H., Brust, P., Wober, J., Syhre, R., Pietzsch, H.-J.. Technetium(v) and rhenium(v) complexes for 5-HT2A serotonin receptor binding: Structure-affinity considerations. Nuclear medicine and biology, vol.23, no.4, 429-438.

  2. Pietzsch, H.-J, Scheunemann, M, Kretzschmar, M, Elz, S, Pertz, H.H, Seifert, S, Brust, P, Spies, H, Syhre, R, Johannsen, B. Synthesis and autoradiographic evaluation of a novel high-affinity Tc-99m ligand for the 5-HT2A receptor. Nuclear medicine and biology, vol.26, no.8, 865-875.

  3. U. Mazzi SGEDITORIALI Padova Seifert S. 687 5 1999 

  4. Syhre, R., Seifert, S., Spies, H., Gupta, A., Johannsen, B.. Stability versus reactivity of ”3+1" mixed-ligand technetium-99m complexes in vitro and in vivo. European journal of nuclear medicine, vol.25, no.7, 793-796.

  5. Nock, B. A., Maina, T., Yannoukakos, D., Pirmettis, I. C., Papadopoulos, M. S., Chiotellis, E.. Glutathione-Mediated Metabolism of Technetium-99m SNS/S Mixed Ligand Complexes: A Proposed Mechanism of Brain Retention. Journal of medicinal chemistry, vol.42, no.6, 1066-1075.

  6. Pelecanou, M., Pirmettis, I.C., Nock, B.A., Papadopoulos, M., Chiotellis, E., Stassinopoulou, C.I.. Interaction of [ReO(SNS) (S)] and [99mTcO(SNS) (S)] mixed ligand complexes with glutathione: isolation and characterization of the product. Inorganica chimica acta, vol.281, no.2, 148-152.

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  8. Ecobichon, D. J.. Glutathione Depletion and Resynthesis in Laboratory Animals. Drug and chemical toxicology, vol.7, no.4, 345-355.

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  10. Biochem. J. Owens C. W. I. 705 94 1965 10.1042/bj0940705 

  11. Tietze, Frank. Enzymic method for quantitative determination of nanogram amounts of total and oxidized glutathione: Applications to mammalian blood and other tissues. Analytical biochemistry, vol.27, no.3, 502-522.

  12. Griffith, Owen W.. Determination of glutathione and glutathione disulfide using glutathione reductase and 2-vinylpyridine. Analytical biochemistry, vol.106, no.1, 207-212.

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