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[해외논문] A physical map of human chromosome 14 원문보기

Nature, v.409 no.6822 = no.6822, 2001년, pp.947 - 948  

Brüls, Thomas ,  Gyapay, Gabor ,  Petit, Jean-Louis ,  Artiguenave, François ,  Vico, Virginie ,  Qin, Shizen ,  Tin-Wollam, Aye Mon ,  Da Silva, Corinne ,  Muselet, Delphine ,  Mavel, Delphine ,  Pelletier, Eric ,  Levy, Michael ,  Fujiyama, Asao ,  Matsuda, Fumihiko ,  Wilson, Richard ,  Rowen, Lee ,  Hood, Leroy ,  Weissenbach, Jean ,  Saurin, William ,  Heilig, Roland

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We report the construction of a tiling path of around 650 clones covering more than 99% of human chromosome 14. Clone overlap information to assemble the map was derived by comparing fully sequenced clones with a database of clone end sequences (sequence tag connector strategy). We selected homogene...

참고문헌 (15)

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