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[해외논문] Aggressive nest intrusions by male Humboldt Penguins

The Condor, v.103 no.1, 2001년, pp.162 - 165  

Taylor, SS (Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, B3H 4J1, Canada, [mailto:sstaylor@is2.dal.ca]) ,  Leonard, ML ,  Boness, DJ

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

During observations at a breeding colony of Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti), we noted five male penguins enter nests occupied by breeding pairs and engage in aggressive interactions with the resident adult. These nest intrusions resulted in egg loss or infanticide, and accounted for 11.1% o...

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Wildfowl Ball 29 61 1978 Territories and local movements of African Black Ducks. 

  2. Black 1996 Introduction: pair bonds and partnerships, p. 3-20. 

  3. Condor Boersma 100 245 1998 10.2307/1370265 Population trends of the Galapagos Penguin: impacts of El Nino and La Nina. 

  4. Penguin Conserv Cheney 11 4 1998 The current situation of the Humboldt Penguin in Chile and Peru: a report from the Population and Habitat Viability Analysis meeting. 

  5. Davis 1990 Mate choice in penguins, p. 377-397. 

  6. Dhondt 1996 Between- and within-population variation in mate fidelity in the Great Tit, p. 236-248. 

  7. Ens 1996 Mate fidelity and divorce in monogamous birds, p. 344-395. 

  8. Anim. Behav Ens 45 1199 1993 10.1006/anbe.1993.1142 Divorce in the long-lived and monogamous oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus: incompatability or choosing a better option?. 

  9. Am. Nat Freed 130 507 1987 10.1086/284728 The long-term pair bond of tropical house wrens: advantage or constraint?. 

  10. Can. J. Zool Gilmartin 73 1185 1995 10.1139/z95-141 Status of the Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi). 

  11. Wildfowl Minton 19 41 1968 Pairing and breeding of Mute Swans. 

  12. Spheniscid Penguin Newsletter Scholten 2 4 1989 Individual recognition of Humboldt Penguins. 

  13. Behav. Ecol Schwartz 10 242 1999 10.1093/beheco/10.3.242 Female-solicited extrapair matings in Humboldt Penguins fail to produce extrapair fertilizations. 

  14. Conserv. Biol Starfield 9 166 1995 10.1046/j.1523-1739.1995.09010166.x “Mobbing” in Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi): the value of simulation modeling in the absence of apparently crucial data. 

  15. Williams 1996 Long-term monogamy in a river specialist-the Blue Duck, p. 73-90. 

  16. Williams 1996 Mate fidelity in penguins, p. 268-285. 

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