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[해외논문] The Cytokinesis Gene KEULE Encodes a Sec1 Protein That Binds the Syntaxin Knolle

The Journal of cell biology, v.152 no.3, 2001년, pp.531 - 544  

Assaad, Farhah F. (Genetics and Microbiology Institute, Ludwig Maximilians University, D-80638 Munich, Germany) ,  Huet, Yoann (Plant Science Institute, ETH-Zü) ,  Mayer, Ulrike (rich, CH 8092 Zü) ,  Jürgens, Gerd (rich, Switzerland)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

KEULE is required for cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. We have positionally cloned the KEULE gene and shown that it encodes a Sec1 protein. KEULE is expressed throughout the plant, yet appears enriched in dividing tissues. Cytokinesis-defective mutant sectors were observed in all somatic tissues...


참고문헌 (32)

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