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Partial characterization of retroviruses from boid snakes with inclusion body disease

American journal of veterinary research, v.62 no.2, 2001년, pp.217 - 224  

Jacobson, Elliott R. ,  Orós, Jorge ,  Tucker, Sylvia J. ,  Pollock, David P. ,  Kelley, Karen L. ,  Munn, Robert J. ,  Lock, Brad A. ,  Mergia, Ayalew ,  Yamamoto, Janet K.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractObjective-To characterize retroviruses isolated from boid snakes with inclusion body disease (IBD).Animals-2 boa constrictors with IBD and 1 boa exposed to an affected snake.Procedure-Snakes were euthanatized, and tissue specimens and blood samples were submitted for virus isolation. Tissue ...

참고문헌 (25)

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