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Phosphorylation of Purine (Phosphonomethoxy)alkyl Derivatives by Mitochondrial AMP Kinase (AK2 Type) from L1210 Cells

Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications, v.65 no.10, 2000년, pp.1653 - 1668  

Krejčová, Romana ,  Horská, Květoslava ,  Votruba, Ivan ,  Holý, Antonín

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Substrate activity of purine (phosphonomethoxy)alkyl derivatives towards mitochondrial AMP kinase (AK2 type) from L1210 cells was studied. The native AMP kinase, purified nearly to homogeneity, is a monomer with molecular weight 26 kDa. The purified AMP kinase is specific for natural adenine nucleot...

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