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[해외논문] Coevolution between a cockroach and its bacterial endosymbiont: a biogeographical perspective 원문보기

Proceedings, Biological sciences, v.268 no.1465, 2001년, pp.393 - 398  

Clark, Jeffrey W. (Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA) ,  Hossain, Shaon ,  Burnside, Craig A. ,  Kambhampati, Srinivas

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Cryptocercus are subsocial, xylophagous cockroaches that live in temperate forests. Like other cockroaches, Cryptocercus harbour endosymbiotic bacteria in their fat bodies. Two species of Cryptocercus occur in the palaearctic, one each in eastern Russia and south-central China. In the USA, there are...

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