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Subcutaneous emphysema as the only symptom of bronchialepidermoid carcinoma

The American journal of emergency medicine, v.19 no.1, 2001년, pp.86 - 87  

Gokel, Yuksel (Emergency Department) ,  Dokur, Mehmet (Emergency Department) ,  Kayhan, Cem (Emergency Department)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Radiology Oliphant 120 257 1976 10.1148/120.2.257 The cervicothoracic continuum 

  2. Srp Arh Celoc Lek Subotic 125 228 1997 Nontraumatic subcutaneous emphysema. Diagnostic and therapeutic problems 

  3. Semin Roentgenol Wiot 18 15 1983 10.1016/S0037-198X(83)80006-6 Tracheobronchial trauma 

  4. Chest Moncada 7 497 1978 10.1378/chest.73.4.497 Mediastinitis from odontogenic and deep cervial infection 

  5. Wiad Let Ceranski 45 58 1992 Subcuteneous emphysema of the arterior chest wall as the only symptom of spontaneous rupture of the esophagus 

  6. Gastroenterology Mogan 79 559 1980 10.1016/0016-5085(80)90385-6 Toxic megacolon in ulcerative colitis complicated by pneumomediastinum: Report of two cases 

  7. Am J Emerg Med Hopkins 12 463 1994 10.1016/0735-6757(94)90064-7 Spontaneous subcutaneous emphysema 

  8. Thorax Morgan 36 155 1981 10.1136/thx.36.2.155 Pneumomediastium as a complication of athletic competition 

  9. Diabet Med Meeking 13 587 1996 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9136(199606)13:6<587::AID-DIA34>3.0.CO;2-H Pneumomediastinum complicating diabetic ketoacidosis 

  10. Arch Bronconeumol Lucac 30 231 1994 The lung overexpansion syndrome as a diving accident. A review of 22 cases 

  11. Chest Greenstone 92 155 1987 10.1378/chest.92.1.155 Axillary air 

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