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Increased susceptibility to ischemia‐induced brain damage in transgenic mice overexpressing a dominant negative form of SHP2

The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, v.14 no.13, 2000년, pp.1965 - 1973  

Aoki, Yoko (Department of Medical GeneticsTohoku University School of Medicine1-1 Seiryo-Machi Sendai Miyagi 980-8574 Japan) ,  Huang, Zhihong (Stroke and Neurovascular RegulationMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolCharlestown Massachusetts 02129 USA) ,  Thomas, Sunu S. (Stroke and Neurovascular RegulationMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolCharlestown Massachusetts 02129 USA) ,  Bhide, Pradeep G. (Developmental NeurobiologyMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolCharlestown Massachusetts 02129 USA) ,  Huang, Ivana (CNS Signaling LaboratoryMolecular Neuro-OncologyMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolCharlestown Massachusetts 02129 USA) ,  Moskowltz, Michael A. (Stroke and Neurovascular RegulationMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolCharlestown Massachusetts 02129 USA) ,  Reeves, Steven A. (CNS Signaling LaboratoryMolecular Neuro-OncologyMassachusetts General HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolCharlestown Massachusetts 02129 USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Cell culture studies have established SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 (SHP2) as an important factor in growth factor and cytokine-activated signaling pathways. However, the significance of SHP2 in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) is not known since early embryonic leth...

참고문헌 (53)

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  6. Servidei, Tiziana, Aoki, Yoko, Lewis, Susan E., Symes, Aviva, Fink, J. Stephen, Reeves, Steven A.. Coordinate Regulation of STAT Signaling and c-fosExpression by the Tyrosine Phosphatase SHP-2. The Journal of biological chemistry, vol.273, no.11, 6233-6241.

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