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[해외논문] GD3 ganglioside directly targets mitochondria in a bcl‐2‐controlled fashion

The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, v.14 no.13, 2000년, pp.2047 - 2054  

Rippo, Maria Rita (Laboratory of Signal TransductionDepartment of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical SciencesUniversity of RomeTor Vergata 00133 Rome) ,  Malisan, Florence (Laboratory of Signal TransductionDepartment of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical SciencesUniversity of RomeTor Vergata 00133 Rome) ,  Rayagnan, Luigi (Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueUMR 1599Institut Gustave RoussyF94805 Villejuif France) ,  Tomassini, Barbara (Laboratory of Signal TransductionDepartment of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical SciencesUniversity of RomeTor Vergata 00133 Rome) ,  Condo, Ivano (Laboratory of Signal TransductionDepartment of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical SciencesUniversity of RomeTor Vergata 00133 Rome) ,  Costantini, Paola (Laboratory of Signal TransductionDepartment of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical SciencesUniversity of RomeTor Vergata 00133 Rome) ,  Susin, Santos A. (Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueUMR 1599Institut Gustave RoussyF94805 Villejuif France) ,  Rufini, Alessandra (Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueUMR 1599Institut Gustave RoussyF94805 Villejuif France) ,  Todaro, Matilde (Laboratory of Sig) ,  Kroemer, Guido ,  Testi, Roberto

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Lipid and glycolipid diffusible mediators are involved in the intracellular progression and amplification of apoptotic signals. GD3 ganglioside is rapidly synthesized from accumulated ceramide after the clustering of death-inducing receptors and triggers apoptosis. Here we show that GD3 induces diss...

참고문헌 (53)

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