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NTIS 바로가기The Sixteenth century journal, v.31 no.4, 2000년, pp.987 - 1008
Green, Janet M.
On 25 July 1597, a Polish ambassador, Paul Dzialynski, chastised Queen Elizabeth I publicly for interfering with his country's shipping trade with Spain. The furious Queen replied at once in extemporaneous Latin, a stunning rhetorical feat which delighted her countrymen and renewed the popularity of the aging queen. With great rhetorical skill, Elizabeth used a characteristic arrangement, the balancing of antitheses, together with sentence variety, irony, wordplay, and even some Latin rhyme. This brilliant epideictic oration, though short, demonstrates her acute historical and political memory, her definitions of "the law of nature" and "books of princes," and her perception of her royal power, and it demonstrates that at age sixty-three the queen's intellectual faculties were far from impaired. As a tour de force, this Latin oration can be ranked with Elizabeth's better-known English oration at Tilbury Camp in 1588.
Cal. Salisbury Papers 320 7 5
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Life of Sir Philip Sidney (1652), ed. Nowell Smith Papers Salisbury 1907
Epistolae Ho-Elianae: Familiar Letters... Upon Emergent Occasions Howel James 5
England's Mourning Garment Chettle Henry 1808
Seventeenth-Century Verse and Prose, 2 vols., ed. Helen C. White, Ruth C. Wallerstein, Ricardo Quintana (NewYork Jonson Ben 1951
William Shakespere's Small Latine and Less Greeke, 2 vols. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press Baldwin Thomas W. 1944
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