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NTIS 바로가기Grammars : a journal of mathematical research on formal and natural languages, v.3 no.2/3, 2000년, pp.243 - 257
Lecomte, Alain (LORIA-Calligramme, 615 Rue du Jardin Botanique, BP 101, 54602 Villers-les-Nancy, France E-mail: alain.lecomte@upmf-grenoble.fr)
In this paper, we aim at giving a logical account of the representationalist view of minimalist grammars by referring to the notion of Proof-Net in Linear Logic. We propose, at the same time, a hybrid logic which mixes one logic (Lambek calculus) for building up elementary proofs and another one for combining the proofs so obtained. Because the first logic is non-commutative and the second one is commutative, this brings us a way to combine commutativity and non-commutativity in the same framework. The dynamic of cut-elimination in proof-nets is used to formalise the move-operation. Otherwise, we advocate a proof-net formalism which allows us to consider formulae as nodes to which it is possible to assign weights which determine the final phonological interpretation.
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