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NTIS 바로가기The Astrophysical journal, v.890 no.1, 2020년, pp.68 -
Barnes, Will T. , Bobra, Monica G. , Christe, Steven D. , Freij, Nabil , Hayes, Laura A. , Ireland, Jack , Mumford, Stuart , Perez-Suarez, David , Ryan, Daniel F. , Shih, Albert Y. , Chanda, Prateek , Glogowski, Kolja , Hewett, Russell , Hughitt, V. Keith , Hill, Andrew , Hiware, Kaustubh , Inglis, Andrew , Kirk, Michael S. F. , Konge, Sudarshan , Mason, James Paul , Maloney, Shane Anthony , Murray, Sophie A. , Panda, Asish , Park, Jongyeob , Pereira, Tiago M. D. , Reardon, Kevin , Savage, Sabrina , Sipőcz, Brigitta M. , Stansby, David , Jain, Yash , Taylor, Garrison , Yadav, Tannmay , Rajul, , Dang, Trung Kien
AbstractThe goal of the SunPy project is to facilitate and promote the use and development of community-led, free, and open source data analysis software for solar physics based on the scientific Python environment. The project achieves this goal by developing and maintaining the sunpy core package ...
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