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[해외논문] 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase deficiency in an Italian family

Annals of hematology, v.80 no.1, 2001년, pp.41 - 44  

Caprari, P. ,  Caforio, M. P. ,  Cianciulli, P. ,  Maffi, D. ,  Pasquino, M. T. ,  Tarzia, A. ,  Amadori, S. ,  Salvati, A. M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract A rare case of hereditary erythrocyte enzymopathy, namely 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) deficiency, was found in an Italian family. The activity of the enzyme was reduced to 35% in the propositus and her mother, but was normal in the other three members of the family. The 6PG...

이 논문을 인용한 문헌

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  2. Fuentes-Lemus, Eduardo ; Reyes, Juan Sebastián ; Figueroa, Juan David ; Davies, Michael J. ; López-Alarcón, Camilo 2023 "The enzymes of the oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway as targets of reactive species: consequences for NADPH production" Biochemical Society transactions, 51(6): 2173~2187

  3. Lu, Amy L. ; Yin, Li ; Huang, Yitao ; Islam, Zain Husain ; Kanchetty, Rohan ; Johnston, Campbell ; Zhang, Kaijie ; Xie, Xiujie ; Park, Ki Ho ; Chalfant, Charles E. ; Wang, Bowen 2024 "The role of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in vascular smooth muscle cell phenotypic switching and angioplasty-induced intimal hyperplasia" Journal of vascular surgery. Vascular science, 5(): 100214~

  4. He, Weiwei ; Wang, Yi ; Liu, Wei ; Zhou, Cong-Zhao 2007 "Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Gnd1" BMC structural biology, 7(): 38~38

  5. Pravda, Jay 2005 "Radical induction theory of ulcerative colitis" World journal of gastroenterology : WJG, 11(16): 2371~

  6. Tan, C. ; Fu, S. ; Liu, M. ; Jin, M. ; Liu, J. ; Bei, W. ; Chen, H. 2008 "Cloning, expression and characterization of a cell wall surface protein, 6-phosphogluconate-dehydrogenase, of Streptococcus suis serotype 2" Veterinary microbiology, 130(3): 363~370

  7. Stincone, Anna ; Prigione, Alessandro ; Cramer, Thorsten ; Wamelink, Mirjam M. C. ; Campbell, Kate ; Cheung, Eric ; Olin-Sandoval, Viridiana ; Grüning, Nana-Maria ; Krüger, Antje ; Alam, Mohammad Tauqeer ; Keller, Markus A. ; Breitenbach, Michael ; Brindle, Kevin M. ; Rabinowitz, Joshua D. ; Ralser, Markus 2015 "The return of metabolism: biochemistry and physiology of the pentose phosphate pathway" Biological reviews, 90(3): 927~963

  8. Mullins, Michael E. ; Vitkovitsky, Irena V 2011 "Hemolysis and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome following Five-fold N-Acetylcysteine Overdose" Clinical toxicology : the official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology and European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists, 49(8): 755~759

  9. Goulielmos, George N. ; Eliopoulos, Elias ; Loukas, Michael ; Tsakas, Spyros 2004 "Functional Constraints of 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase (6-PGD) Based on Sequence and Structural Information" Journal of molecular evolution, 59(3): 358~371

  10. Elf, Shannon ; Lin, Ruiting ; Xia, Siyuan ; Pan, Yaozhu ; Shan, Changliang ; Wu, Shaoxiong ; Lonial, Sagar ; Gaddh, Manila ; Arellano, Martha L. ; Khoury, Hanna J. ; Khuri, Fadlo R. ; Lee, Benjamin H. ; Boggon, Titus J. ; Fan, Jun ; Chen, Jing 2017 "Targeting 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in the oxidative PPP sensitizes leukemia cells to anti-malarial agent dihydroartemisinin" Oncogene, 36(2): 254~262

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