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[해외논문] Lowering the extracellular potassium concentration elicits epileptic activity in neocortical tissue of epileptic patients

The European journal of neuroscience, v.13 no.3, 2001년, pp.639 - 640  

Gorji, Ali (Institut fü) ,  Köhling, Rüdiger (r Physiologie, Westfä) ,  Straub, Heidrun (lische Wilhelms‐) ,  Höhling, Jörg‐Michael (University Mü) ,  Madeja, Michael (nster, Robert‐)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe increase in the extracellular potassium concentration ([K+]o) is a well‐established model of epilepsy (the so‐called high potassium model). Therefore, it is generally accepted that for the prevention of abnormal excitability and seizure generation, increases of [K+]o must be ...


참고문헌 (11)

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  2. 10.1007/s004310050388 

  3. Köhling, R, Lücke, A, Straub, H, Speckmann, E J, Tuxhorn, I, Wolf, P, Pannek, H, Oppel, F. Spontaneous sharp waves in human neocortical slices excised from epileptic patients.. Brain : a journal of neurology, vol.121, no.6, 1073-1087.

  4. Korn, S. J., Giacchino, J. L., Chamberlin, N. L., Dingledine, R.. Epileptiform burst activity induced by potassium in the hippocampus and its regulation by GABA-mediated inhibition. Journal of neurophysiology, vol.57, no.1, 325-340.

  5. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Lowenstein D.H. 2311 1998 

  6. McBain C.J. Traynelis S.F. Dingledine R.&Schwartzkroin P.A.(ed) Epilepsy: Models Mechanisms and Concepts.Cambridge University Press Cambridge pp.437-461. 

  7. Rutecki, P. A., Lebeda, F. J., Johnston, D.. Epileptiform activity induced by changes in extracellular potassium in hippocampus. Journal of neurophysiology, vol.54, no.5, 1363-1374.

  8. The Magic of Medicine and Treatment. Shahri J. 1991 

  9. Vanzan, Anna, Paladin, Francesco. Epilepsy and Persian Culture: An Overview. Epilepsia : the journal of the International League against Epilepsy, vol.33, no.6, 1057-1064.

  10. J. Ment. Defic. Res. Viukari N.M.A. 191 14 1970 Low potassium levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of forty mentally subnormal epileptics 

  11. Zuckermann, E.C., Glaser, G.H.. Slow potential shifts in dorsal hippocampus during ''epileptogenic'' perfusion of the inferior horn with high-potassium CSF. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, vol.28, no.3, 236-246.

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