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NTIS 바로가기Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, v.13 no.1, 2001년, pp.1 - 18
Brookes, S. J. H.
Neuroanatomical tracing techniques, and retrograde labelling in particular, are widely used tools for the analysis of neuronal pathways in the central and peripheral nervous system. Over the last 10 years, these techniques have been used extensively to identify enteric neuronal pathways. In combinat...
DogielAS.Über den Bau der Ganglien in den Geflechten des Darmes und der Gallenblase des Menschen und der Säugethiere.Arch Anat Physiol Leipzig Anat Abt1899:130-58.
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Furness, J.B., Bornstein, J.C., Trussell, D.C.. Shapes of nerve cells in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig small intestine revealed by the intracellular injection of dye. Cell and tissue research, vol.254, no.3,
Messenger, J.P., Bornstein, J.C., Furness, J.B.. Electrophysiological and morphological classification of myenteric neurons in the proximal colon of the guinea-pig. Neuroscience, vol.60, no.1, 227-244.
Furness, J.B., Costa, M., Gibbins, I.L., Llewellyn-Smith, I.J., Oliver, J.R.. Neurochemically similar myenteric and submucous neurons directly traced to the mucosa of the small intestine. Cell and tissue research, vol.241, no.1, 155-163.
Costa, M., Furness, J.B., Llewellyn-Smith, I.J., Cuello, A.C.. Projections of substance P-containing neurons within the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience, vol.6, no.3, 411-424.
Costa, M., Furness, J.B., Buffa, R., Said, S.I.. Distribution of enteric nerve cell bodies and axons showing immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the guinea-pig intestine. Neuroscience, vol.5, no.3, 587-596.
Costa, M., Furness, J.B., Pompolo, S., Brookes, S.J.H., Bornstein, J.C., Bredt, D.S., Snyder, S.H.. Projections and chemical coding of neurons with immunoreactivity for nitric oxide synthase in the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience letters, vol.148, no.1, 121-125.
Costa, M., Furness, J.B., Smith, I.J.L., Davies, B., Oliver, J.. An immunohistochemical study of the projections of somatostatin-containing neurons in the guinea-pig intestine. Neuroscience, vol.5, no.5, 841-852.
Costa, M., Furness, J.B.. The origins, pathways and terminations of neurons with VIP-like immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience, vol.8, no.4, 665-676.
Furness, J.B., Costa, M.. Neurons with 5-hydroxytryptamine-like immunoreactivity in the enteric nervous system: Their projections in the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience, vol.7, no.2, 341-349.
Furness, J.B., Costa, M., Miller, R.J.. Distribution and projections of nerves with enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience, vol.8, no.4, 653-664.
Furness, J.B., Costa, M., Emson, P.C., H�kanson, R., Moghimzadeh, E., Sundler, F., Taylor, I.L., Chance, R.E.. Distribution, pathways and reactions to drug treatment of nerves with neuropeptide Y- and pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig digestive tract. Cell and tissue research, vol.234, no.1,
Furness, J.B., Keast, J.R., Pompolo, S., Bornstein, J.C., Costa, M., Emson, P.C., Lawson, D.E.M.. Immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of calcium-binding proteins in enteric neurons. Cell and tissue research, vol.252, no.1,
Furness, J.B., Trussell, D.C., Pompolo, S., Bornstein, J.C., Maley, B.E., Storm-Mathisen, J.. Shapes and projections of neurons with immunoreactivity for gamma-aminobutyric acid in the guinea-pig small intestine. Cell and tissue research, vol.256, no.2,
Furness, J. B., Pompolo, S., Murphy, R., Giraud, A.. Projections of neurons with neuromedin U-like immunoreactivity in the small intestine of the guinea-pig. Cell and tissue research, vol.257, no.2, 415-422.
Furness, J B, Morris, J L, Gibbins, I L, Costa, M. Chemical Coding of Neurons and Plurichemical Transmission. Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology, vol.29, 289-306.
Costa, M., Brookes, S.J.H., Steeled, P.A., Gibbins, I., Burcher, E., Kandiah, C.J.. Neurochemical classification of myenteric neurons in the guinea-pig ileum. Neuroscience, vol.75, no.3, 949-967.
Schemann, Michael, Schaaf, Cornelia, Mäder, Michael. Neurochemical coding of enteric neurons in the guinea pig stomach. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.353, no.2, 161-178.
Sang, Q., Young, H. M.. Chemical coding of neurons in the myenteric plexus and external muscle of the small and large intestine of the mouse. Cell and tissue research, vol.284, no.1, 39-53.
Lavail, Jennifer H., Lavail, Matthew M.. Retrograde Axonal Transport in the Central Nervous System. Science, vol.176, no.4042, 1416-1417.
Kalia, M.. Brain stem localization of vagal preganglionic neurons. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.3, no.2, 451-481.
Neuhuber, Winfried L, Kressel, Michael, Stark, Andrea, Berthoud, Hans-Rudolf. Vagal efferent and afferent innervation of the rat esophagus as demonstrated by anterograde DiI and DiA tracing: Focus on myenteric ganglia. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.70, no.1, 92-102.
Sang, Q., Young, H.M.. The origin and development of the vagal and spinal innervation of the external muscle of the mouse esophagus. Brain research, vol.809, no.2, 253-268.
TRUDRUNG, P., FURNESS, John B., MESSENGER, J. P.. Locations and Chemistries of Sympathetic Nerve Cells that Project to the Gastrointestinal Tract and Spleen.. Archives of histology and cytology, vol.57, no.2, 139-150.
Baron, R., Jan̈ig, W., McLachlan, Elspeth M.. The afferent and sympathetic components of the lumbar spinal outflow to the colon and pelvic organs in the cat. III. The colonic nerves, incorporating an analysis of all components of the lumbar prevertebral outflow. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.238, no.2, 158-168.
Luckensmeyer, G. B., Keast, J. R.. Immunohistochemical characterisation of sympathetic and parasympathetic pelvic neurons projecting to the distal colon in the male rat. Cell and tissue research, vol.281, no.3, 551-559.
Kirchgessner, A. L., Gershon, M. D.. Identification of vagal efferent fibers and putative target neurons in the enteric nervous system of the rat. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.285, no.1, 38-53.
Berthoud, H. R., Carlson, N. R., Powley, T. L.. Topography of efferent vagal innervation of the rat gastrointestinal tract. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology, vol.260, no.1, R200-R207.
Berthoud, Hans‐Rudolf, Jedrzejewska, Agnes, Powley, Terry L.. Simultaneous labeling of vagal innervation of the gut and afferent projections from the visceral forebrain with Dil injected into the dorsal vagal complex in the rat. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.301, no.1, 65-79.
Berthoud, Hans‐Rudolf, Powley, Terry L.. Vagal afferent innervation of the rat fundic stomach: Morphological characterization of the gastric tension receptor. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.319, no.2, 261-276.
Berthoud, H.-R., Patterson, Laurel M., Neumann, Friederike, Neuhuber, Winfried L.. Distribution and structure of vagal afferent intraganglionic laminar endings (IGLEs) in the rat gastrointestinal tract. Anatomy and embryology, vol.195, no.2, 183-191.
Tassicker, B. C., Hennig, G. W., Costa, M., Brookes, S. J. H.. Rapid anterograde and retrograde tracing from mesenteric nerve trunks to the guinea-pig small intestine in vitro. Cell and tissue research, vol.295, no.3, 437-452.
Zagorodnyuk, Vladimir P., Brookes, Simon J. H.. Transduction Sites of Vagal Mechanoreceptors in the Guinea Pig Esophagus. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol.20, no.16, 6249-6255.
Clerc, Nadine, Mazzia, Christophe. Morphological relationships of choleragenoid horseradish peroxidase‐labeled spinal primary afferents with myenteric ganglia and mucosal associated lymphoid tissue in the cat esophagogastric junction. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.347, no.2, 171-186.
Mazzia, C, Clerc, N. Ultrastructural relationships of spinal primary afferent fibres with neuronal and non-neuronal cells in the myenteric plexus of the cat oesophago-gastric junction. Neuroscience, vol.80, no.3, 925-937.
Dalsgaard, C.-J., Elfvin, L.-G.. Structural studies on the connectivity of the inferior mesenteric ganglion of the guinea pig. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.5, no.3, 265-278.
Kuramoto, H., Furness, J.B.. Distribution of enteric nerve cells that project from the small intestine to the coeliac ganglion in the guinea-pig. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.27, no.3, 241-248.
Messenger, J. P., Furness, J. B.. Distribution of enteric nerve cells that project to the coeliac ganglion of the guinea-pig. Cell and tissue research, vol.269, no.1, 119-132.
Messenger, J. P., Furness, J. B.. Distribution of enteric nerve cells projecting to the superior and inferior mesenteric ganglia of the guinea-pig. Cell and tissue research, vol.271, no.2, 333-339.
Barbiers, M., Timmermans, J.-P., Adriaensen, D., De Groodt-Lasseel, M.H.A., Scheuermann, D.W.. Topographical distribution and immunocytochemical features of colonic neurons that project to the cranial mesenteric ganglion in the pig. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.44, no.2, 119-127.
Mann, Patricia T., Furness, John B., Pompolo, Sueli, Mäder, Michael. Chemical coding of neurons that project from different regions of intestine to the coeliac ganglion of the guinea pig. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.56, no.1, 15-25.
Sharkey, Keith A., Lomax, Alan E.G., Bertrand, Paul P., Furness, John B.. Electrophysiology, shape, and chemistry of neurons that project from guinea pig colon to inferior mesenteric ganglia. Gastroenterology, vol.115, no.4, 909-918.
Anderson, C.R., Furness, J.B., Woodman, H.L., Edwards, S.L., Crack, P.J., Smith, A.I.. Characterisation of neurons with nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity that project to prevertebral ganglia. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.52, no.2, 107-116.
Stebbing, M.J., Bornstein, J.C.. Electrophysiological analysis of the convergence of peripheral inputs onto neurons of the coeliac ganglion in the guinea pig. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.46, no.1, 93-105.
Doerffler-Melly, J., Neuhuber, W.L.. Rectospinal neurons: Evidence for a direct projection from the enteric to the central nervous system in the rat. Neuroscience letters, vol.92, no.2, 121-125.
Neuhuber, W.L., Appelt, M., Polak, J.M., Baier-Kustermann, W., Abelli, L., Ferri, G.L.. Rectospinal neurons: Cell bodies, pathways, immunocytochemistry and ultrastructure. Neuroscience, vol.56, no.2, 367-378.
Takaki, Miyako, Wood, Jackie D., Gershon, Michael D.. Heterogeneity of ganglia of the guinea pig myenteric plexus: An in vitro study of the origin of terminals within single ganglia using a covalently bound fluorescent retrograde tracer. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.235, no.4, 488-502.
Kirchgessner, A. L., Gershon, M. D.. Projections of submucosal neurons to the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig intestine: In vitro tracing of microcircuits by retrograde and anterograde transport. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.277, no.4, 487-498.
Allen, D.T., Kiernan, J.A.. Permeation of proteins from the blood into peripheral nerves and ganglia. Neuroscience, vol.59, no.3, 755-764.
Brookes, S. J. H., Meedeniya, A. C. B., Jobling, P., Costa, M.. Orally projecting interneurones in the guinea‐pig small intestine. The Journal of physiology, vol.505, no.2, 473-491.
Honig, M.G., Hume, R.I.. Dil and DiO: versatile fluorescent dyes for neuronal labelling and pathway tracing. Trends in neurosciences, vol.12, no.9, 333-341.
Powley, T.L., Berthoud, H.-R.. A fluorescent labeling strategy for staining the enteric nervous system. Journal of neuroscience methods, vol.36, no.1, 9-15.
Brehmer, A., Schrödl, Falk, Neuhuber, Winfried, Hens, Jurgen, Timmermans, Jean-Pierre. Comparison of enteric neuronal morphology as demonstrated by DiI-tracing under different tissue-handling conditions. Anatomy and embryology, vol.199, no.1, 57-62.
Brookes, S.J.H., Costa, M.. Identification of enteric motor neurones which innervate the circular muscle of the guinea pig small intestine. Neuroscience letters, vol.118, no.2, 227-230.
Wilson, A.J., Llewellyn-Smith, I.J., Furness, J.B., Costa, M.. The source of the nerve fibres forming the deep muscular and circular muscle plexuses in the small intestine of the guinea-pig. Cell and tissue research, vol.247, no.3, 497-504.
Brookes, S.J.H., Steele, P.A., Costa, M.. Identification and immunohistochemistry of cholinergic and non-cholinergic circular muscle motor neurons in the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience, vol.42, no.3, 863-878.
Bayliss, W. M., Starling, E. H.. The movements and innervation of the small intestine. The Journal of physiology, vol.24, no.2, 99-143.
Porter, AJ, Wattchow, DA, Brookes, SJ, Costa, M. The neurochemical coding and projections of circular muscle motor neurons in the human colon. Gastroenterology, vol.113, no.6, 1916-1923.
Porter, Anthony J, Wattchow, David A, Brookes, Simon Jh, Costa, Marcello. Projections of nitric oxide synthase and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide‐reactive submucosal neurons in the human colon. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, vol.14, no.12, 1180-1187.
Pfannkuche, Helga, Reiche, Dania, Sann, Holger, Schemann, M., Firzlaff, U.. Enkephalin-immunoreactive subpopulations in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig fundus project primarily to the muscle and not to the mucosa. Cell and tissue research, vol.294, no.1, 45-55.
Pfannkuche, Helga, Reiche, Dania, Sann, Holger, Schemann, M.. Different subpopulations of cholinergic and nitrergic myenteric neurones project to mucosa and circular muscle of the guinea-pig gastric fundus. Cell and tissue research, vol.292, no.3, 463-475.
Bywater, R A, Taylor, G S. Non‐cholinergic excitatory and inhibitory junction potentials in the circular smooth muscle of the guinea‐pig ileum.. The Journal of physiology, vol.374, 153-164.
Brookes, S. J. H., Steele, P. A., Costa, M.. Calretinin immunoreactivity in cholinergic motor neurones, interneurones and vasomotor neurones in the guinea-pig small intestine. Cell and tissue research, vol.263, no.3, 471-481.
Brookes, S.J.H., Song, Z.-M., Steele, P.A., Costa, M.. Identification of motor neurons to the longitudinal muscle of the guinea pig ileum. Gastroenterology, vol.103, no.3, 961-973.
Costa, M., Furness, J. B., Humphreys, C. M. S.. Apamin distinguishes two types of relaxation mediated by enteric nerves in the guinea-pig gastrointestinal tract. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, vol.332, no.1, 79-88.
Michel, Klaus, Reiche, Dania, Schemann, Michael. Projections and neurochemical coding of motor neurones to the circular and longitudinal muscle of the guinea pig gastric corpus. Pflügers archiv : European journal of physiology, vol.440, no.3, 393-408.
Wattchow, David A., Brookes, Simon J.H., Costa, Marcello. The morphology and projections of retrogradely labeled myenteric neurons in the human intestine. Gastroenterology, vol.109, no.3, 866-875.
Langley, J. N., Magnus, R.. Some observations of the movements of the intestine before and after degenerative section of the mesenteric nerves. The Journal of physiology, vol.33, no.1, 34-51.
FURNESS, I. B., JOHNSON, P. J., POMPOLO, S., BORNSTEIN, J. C.. Evidence that enteric motility reflexes can be initiated through entirely intrinsic mechanisms in the guinea‐pig small intestine. Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society, vol.7, no.2, 89-96.
Kirchgessner, AL, Tamir, H, Gershon, MD. Identification and stimulation by serotonin of intrinsic sensory neurons of the submucosal plexus of the guinea pig gut: activity- induced expression of Fos immunoreactivity. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol.12, no.1, 235-248.
Bornstein, J.C., Furness, J.B.. Correlated electrophysiological and histochemical studies of submucous neurons and their contribution to understanding enteric neural circuits. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.25, no.1, 1-13.
Song, Z. -M., Brookes, S. J. H., Steele, P. A., Costa, M.. Projections and pathways of submucous neurons to the mucosa of the guinea-pig small intestine. Cell and tissue research, vol.269, no.1, 87-98.
Pan, Hui, Gershon, Michael D.. Activation of Intrinsic Afferent Pathways in Submucosal Ganglia of the Guinea Pig Small Intestine. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol.20, no.9, 3295-3309.
Song, Z.-M., Brookes, S.J.H., Costa, M.. Identification of myenteric neurons which project to the mucosa of the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience letters, vol.129, no.2, 294-298.
Iyer, V., Bornstein, J.C., Costa, M., Furness, J.B., Takahashi, Y., Iwanaga, T.. Electrophysiology of guinea-pig myenteric neurons correlated with immunoreactivity for calcium binding proteins. Journal of the autonomic nervous system, vol.22, no.2, 141-150.
Song, Z.-M., Brookes, S.J.H., Costa, M.. All calbindin-immunoreactive myenteric neurons project to the mucosa of the guinea-pig small intestine. Neuroscience letters, vol.180, no.2, 219-222.
Furness, J.B, Kunze, W.A.A, Bertrand, P.P, Clerc, N, Bornstein, J.C. Intrinsic primary afferent neuronsof the intestine. Progress in neurobiology, vol.54, no.1, 1-18.
Neunlist, Michel, Schemann, Michael. Projections and neurochemical coding of myenteric neurons innervating the mucosa of the guinea pig proximal colon. Cell and tissue research, vol.287, no.1, 119-125.
Neunlist, Michel, Dobreva, Gisela, Schemann, Michael. Characteristics of mucosally projecting myenteric neurones in the guinea‐pig proximal colon. The Journal of physiology, vol.517, no.2, 533-546.
Bornstein, J C, Costa, M, Furness, J B, Lees, G M. Electrophysiology and enkephalin immunoreactivity of identified myenteric plexus neurones of guinea‐pig small intestine.. The Journal of physiology, vol.351, 313-325.
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Brookes, SJ, Song, ZM, Ramsay, GA, Costa, M. Long aboral projections of Dogiel type II, AH neurons within the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig small intestine. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol.15, no.5, 4013-4022.
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Hennig, G.W., Brookes, S.J.H., Costa, M.. Excitatory and inhibitory motor reflexes in the isolated guinea‐pig stomach. The Journal of physiology, vol.501, no.1, 197-212.
Reiche, Dania, Pfannkuche, Helga, Michel, Klaus, Hoppe, Susanne, Schemann, Michael. Immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of calbindin containing neurones in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig stomach. Neuroscience letters, vol.270, no.2, 71-74.
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Meedeniya, A. C. B., Brookes, S. J. H., Hennig, G. W., Costa, M.. The projections of 5-hydroxytryptamine-accumulating neurones in the myenteric plexus of the small intestine of the guinea-pig. Cell and tissue research, vol.291, no.3, 375-384.
Young, H. M., Furness, J. B.. Ultrastructural examination of the targets of serotoninn immunoreactive descending interneurons in the guinea pig small intestine. Journal of comparative neurology, vol.356, no.1, 101-114.
Costa, M., Furness, J.B., Yanaihara, N., Yanaihara, C., Moody, T.W.. Distribution and projections of neurons with immunoreactivity for both gastrin-releasing peptide and bombesin in the guinea-pig small intestine. Cell and tissue research, vol.235, no.2,
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UEMURA, S., POMPOLO, S., FURNESS, J. B.. Colocalization of Neuropeptide Y with Other Neurochemical Markers in the Guinea-pig Small Intestine.. Archives of histology and cytology, vol.58, no.5, 523-536.
Wattchow, D., Porter, A., Brookes, S., Costa, M.. The polarity of neurochemically defined myenteric neurons in the human colon. Gastroenterology, vol.113, no.2, 497-506.
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