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Atrazine Effects on Testosterone Levels and Androgen‐Dependent Reproductive Organs in Peripubertal Male Rats 원문보기

Journal of andrology, v.22 no.1, 2001년, pp.142 - 148  


Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ABSTRACT: Previous studies have reported that atrazine, a widely used herbicide that selectively inhibits photosynthesis in broadleaf and grassy weeds, has adverse effects on reproductive function in the male, suggesting a direct effect of atrazine on the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐testic...

참고문헌 (21)

  1. Babic-Gojmerac, T., Kniewald, Z., Kniewald, J.. Testosterone metabolism in neuroendocrine organs in male rats under atrazine and deethylatrazine influence. The Journal of steroid biochemistry, vol.33, no.1, 141-146.

  2. Bergendahl, M, Perheentupa, A, Huhtaniemi, I. Starvation-induced suppression of pituitary-testicular function in rats is reversed by pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone substitution.. Biology of reproduction, vol.44, no.3, 413-419.

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  8. Cooper, Ralph L., Stoker, Tammy E., Goldman, Jerome M., Parrish, Michelle B., Tyrey, Lee. Effect of atrazine on ovarian function in the rat. Reproductive toxicology, vol.10, no.4, 257-264.

  9. Eldridge, J. Charles, Fleenor-Heyser, Deidre G., Extrom, Pamela C., Wetzel, Lawrence T., Breckenridge, Charles B., Gillis, Jacqueline H., Luempert III, Louis G., Stevens, James T.. Short-term effects of chlorotriazines on estrus in female Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 rats. Journal of toxicology and environmental health, vol.43, no.2, 155-167.

  10. Eldridge, J C, Tennant, M K, Wetzel, L T, Breckenridge, C B, Stevens, J T. Factors affecting mammary tumor incidence in chlorotriazine-treated female rats: hormonal properties, dosage, and animal strain.. Environmental health perspectives, Supplements, vol.102, no.suppl11, 29-36.

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  13. Kniewald, J., Mildner, P., Kniewald, Z.. Effects of s-triazine herbicides on hormone-receptor complex formation, 5α-reductase and 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity at the anterior pituitary level. The Journal of steroid biochemistry, vol.11, no.1, 833-838.

  14. Kniewald, J., Osredečki, V., Gojmerac, T., Zechner, V., Kniewald, Z.. Effect of s‐triazine compounds on testosterone metabolism in the rat prostate. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT, vol.15, no.3, 215-218.

  15. Kniewald, J., Peruzovic, M., Gojmerac, T., Milkovic, K., Kniewald, Z.. Indirect influence of s-triazines on rat gonadotropic mechanism at early postnatal period. The Journal of steroid biochemistry, vol.27, no.4, 1095-1100.

  16. Šimić, Branimir, Kniewald, Jasna, Kniewald, Zlatko. Effects of atrazine on reproductive performance in the rat. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT, vol.14, no.6, 401-404.

  17. Šimić, Branimir, Kniewald, Zlatko, Davies, John E., Kniewald, Jasna. Reversibility of the inhibitory effect of atrazine and lindane on cytosol 5α-Dihydrotestosterone receptor complex formation in rat prostate. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, vol.46, no.1, 92-99.

  18. Stevens, James T.. A RISK CHARACTERIZATION FOR ATRAZINE: ONCOGENICITY PROFILE. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A, vol.56, no.2, 69-109.

  19. Tennant, Marie K., Hill, D. Scott, Eldridge, J. Charles, Wetzel, Lawrence T., Breckenridge, Charles B., Stevens, James T.. Possible antiestrogenic properties of chloro-s-triazines in rat uterus. Journal of toxicology and environmental health, vol.43, no.2, 183-196.

  20. Turner, T T, Jones, C E, Howards, S S, Ewing, L L, Zegeye, B, Gunsalus, G L. On the androgen microenvironment of maturing spermatozoa.. Endocrinology, vol.115, no.5, 1925-1932.

  21. Wetzel, Lawrence T., Luempert III, Louis G., Breckenridge, Charles B., Tisdel, Merrill O., Stevens, James T., Thakur, Ajit K., Extrom, Pamela J., Eldridge, J. Charles. Chronic effects of atrazine on estrus and mammary tumor formation in female Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 rats. Journal of toxicology and environmental health, vol.43, no.2, 169-182.

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