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[해외논문] Seeing eye to eye: An evaluation of the use of video-conferencing to support collaboration

European journal of psychology of education = Journal europ?en de psychologie de l'education, v.15 no.4, 2000년, pp.467 - 478  

Light, Vivienne ,  Light, Paul ,  Wright, Vicky

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (11)

  1. Educational and Training Technology International L. Abbott 31 85 1994 10.1080/0954730940310201 Abbott, L., Dallat, J., Livingston, R., & Robinson, A. (1994). The application of video-conferencing to the advancement of independent group learning for professional-development.Educational and Training Technology International, 31, 85-92. 

  2. MIS Quarterly M. Alavi 19 293 1995 10.2307/249597 Alavi, M., Wheeler, B., & Valacich, J. (1995). Using IT to re-engineer business education: An exploratory investigation of collaborative telelearning.MIS Quarterly, 19, 293-312. 

  3. Davis, N., & Coles, D. (1993). Students’ IT experience on entry to initial teacher education. First report toThe Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education, Croydon. 

  4. British Journal of Educational Technology M. Freeman 29 197 1998 10.1111/1467-8535.00064 Freeman, M. (1998). Video-conferencing: A solution to the multi-campus large classes problem?British Journal of Educational Technology, 29, 197-210. 

  5. Harasim, L., Hiltz, S.R., Teles, L. & Turoff, M. (1996).Learning Networks. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

  6. British Journal of Educational Technology G. Jacobs 28 292 1997 10.1111/1467-8535.00036 Jacobs, G., & Rodgers, C. (1997).British Journal of Educational Technology, 28, 292-304. 

  7. D. Laurillard 1993 Language, Classrooms and Computers Laurillard, D., & Marullo, G. (1993). Computer-based approaches to second language teaching. In P. Scrimshaw (Ed.),Language, Classrooms and Computers. London: Routledge. 

  8. P. Light 1999 Social Processes in Children’s Learning Light, P., & Littleton, K. (1999).Social Processes in Children’s Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

  9. 1999 Learning with Computers: Analysing productive interactions Littleton, K., & Light, P. (Eds.). (1999).Learning with Computers: Analysing productive interactions. London: Routledge. 

  10. British Journal of Educational Technology E. Pawling 30 163 1999 10.1111/1467-8535.00104 Pawling, E. (1999). Modern Languages and CD-ROM-based learning.British Journal of Educational Technology, 30, 163-175. 

  11. Annual Review of Sociology B. Wellman 22 213 1996 10.1146/annurev.soc.22.1.213 Wellman, B., Scalaff, J., Dimitrova, D., Garton, L., Gulia, M., & Haythornthwaite, C. (1996). Computer networks as social networks: Collaborative work, telework and virtual community.Annual Review of Sociology, 22, 213-238. 

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