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Manual Handling Risk Assessments in Occupational Therapy

The British journal of occupational therapy, v.64 no.2, 2001년, pp.81 - 86  

Hignett, Sue

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The occupational therapy department at a large acute hospital identified 63 manual handling risks in its practice. To facilitate the management of these risks, a 2-year ergonomic study was carried out to rationalise these risks into generic themes. A qualitative methodological approach was taken to...

참고문헌 (16)

  1. 10.1016/B978-0-08-022244-8.50006-1 

  2. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and their application within occupational therapy College of Occupational Therapists 1995 

  3. Creek, Jennifer. … The Truth is No Longer Out There. The British journal of occupational therapy, vol.60, no.2, 50-52.

  4. Legal aspects of occupational therapy Dimond BC 1997 

  5. Doing qualitative research using QSR NUD*IST Gahan C 1998 

  6. What's wrong with ethnography? Hammersley M 1992 

  7. Occupational Health Hignett S 127 46 4 1994 

  8. Contemporary ergonomics 1999 Hignett S 105 1999 

  9. Hignett, Sue. Embedding ergonomics in hospital culture: top-down and bottom-up strategies. Applied ergonomics, vol.32, no.1, 61-69.

  10. Hignett, Sue. Manual handling human loads in a hospital: an exploratory study to identify nurses' perceptions. Applied ergonomics, vol.26, no.3, 221-226.

  11. Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992: Guidance for regulations. L23 Manual Handling 1998 2 

  12. Murphy,, Dingwall,, Greatbatch,, Parker,, Watson,. Qualitative research methods in health technology assessment: a review of the literature.. Health technology assessment : HTA, vol.2, no.16,

  13. Handbook of qualitative research Richards T 1995 

  14. The guide to the handling of patients Royal College of Nursing/National Back Pain Association 1998 4 

  15. Suchman, Lucy. Working relations of technology production and use. Computer supported cooperative work : CSCW : an international journal, vol.2, no.1, 21-39.

  16. Research: The key to the development of occupational therapy: Theory and practice in occupational therapy Yerxa EJ 1987 

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