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Congenital Macrothrombocytopenic Thrombopathy and Nephritis (Epstein Syndrome-Variant)

Annals of Saudi medicine, v.20 no.2, 2000년, pp.141 - 143  

Quadri, Mohammad I. (From the Department of Haematology, Maternity and Children's Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia) ,  Ahmad, Muzzafar (From the Regional Laboratory and Blood Bank, and Department of Pediatrics, Maternity and Children's Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia) ,  Senan, Kefah A. (From the Regional Laboratory and Blood Bank, and Department of Pediatrics, Maternity and Children's Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia) ,  Al-Sheikh, Iman H. (From the Department of Haematology, Maternity and Children's Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Williams Hematology, International Edition George JN 1281 1995 

  2. Am J Med Epstein CJ 299 52 1972 10.1016/0002-9343(72)90017-4 Hereditary macrothrombopathia, nephritis and deafness 

  3. Am J Med Bernheim J 145 62 1976 10.1016/0002-9343(76)90058-9 Thrombocytopenia, macrothrombopathia, nephritis and deafness 

  4. Jap J Clin Hematol Sawada Y 1028 31 1990 Macrothrombopathia with deafness, nephritis, cataract, short small intestine and double ureter 

  5. Blood Peterson LC 397 65 1985 10.1182/blood.V65.2.397.397 Fechtner syndrome: a variant of Alport's syndrome with leukocyte inclusions and macrothrombocytopenia 

  6. Br J Haematol Heynen MJ 441 70 1988 10.1111/j.1365-2141.1988.tb02514.x Congenital macrothrombocytopenia, leucocyte inclusions, deafness and proteinuria: functional and electron microscopic observation on platelets and megakaryocytes 

  7. Primary pediatric care Ruley EJ 1439 1997 3 

  8. Nephron Brivet F 59 29 1981 10.1159/000182240 Hereditary nephritis associated with May-Hegglin anomaly 

  9. Acta Paediatrica Leung TF 705 87 1998 10.1111/j.1651-2227.1998.tb01536.x A Chinese adolescent girl with Fechtner-like syndrome 

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