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[해외논문] The Simultaneous Activation Hypothesis: Explaining Recovery from Deep to Phonological Dyslexia

Brain and language, v.76 no.1, 2001년, pp.18 - 34  

Southwood, M. ,  Chatterjee, A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Deep dyslexia evolved into phonological dyslexia in one patient. Semantic errors resolved while phonological and derivational errors persisted in reading. Nonword reading improved but remained inferior to word reading. Despite a residual semantic deficit naming improved. The Simultaneous Activation ...

참고문헌 (22)

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  9. Cortex Glosser 26 343 1990 10.1016/S0010-9452(13)80085-8 The continuum of seep/phonological alexia 

  10. Gonzalez-Rothi 1984 Battery of adult reading function 

  11. Goodglass 1983 The Boston naming test 

  12. Howard 1992 The pyramids and palm trees test 

  13. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A Kay 33 387 1981 10.1080/14640748108400800 One process, not two, in reading aloud: Lexical analogies do the work of non-lexical rules 

  14. Kertesz 1982 The Western Aphasia Battery 

  15. Kucera 1967 Computational analysis of present-day American English 

  16. Journal of Neurolinguistics Laine 5 75 1990 10.1016/0911-6044(90)90032-T Changing error patterns during reading recovery: A case study 

  17. Obler 1982 The action naming test 

  18. Shallice 1980 Deep dyslexia Single and multiple component central dyslexic syndromes 

  19. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory Snodgrass 6 174 1980 A standardized set of 260 pictures: Norms for name agreement, image agreement, familiarity, and visual complexity 

  20. Brain and Language Southwood 67 1 1999 10.1006/brln.1998.2046 Simultaneous activation of reading mechanisms: Evidence from a case of deep dyslexia 

  21. Brain and Language Southwood 72 14 2000 10.1006/brln.1999.2280 Interactions of multiple routes in oral reading: Evidence from dissociations in naming and reading in phonological dyslexia 

  22. Memory & Cognition Van Orden 10 434 1987 A ROWS is a ROSE: Spelling, sound, and reading 

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