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[해외논문] Linguistic and Nonlinguistic Priming in Aphasia

Brain and language, v.76 no.1, 2001년, pp.62 - 69  

Bates, E. ,  Marangolo, P. ,  Pizzamiglio, L. ,  Dick, F.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Studies of real-time processing in aphasia suggest that linguistic symptoms may be due to deficits in activation dynamics rather than loss of linguistic knowledge. To investigate the domain specificity of such processing deficits, we compared performance by Italian-speaking fluent aphasics, nonfluen...

참고문헌 (18)

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  3. Perception & Psychophysics Bates 58 992 1996 10.3758/BF03206827 Gender priming in Italian 

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  13. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Jacobsen 28 499 1999 10.1023/A:1023268310519 Effects of grammatical gender on picture and word naming: Evidence from German 

  14. Psychological Science Knowlton 3 1972 1992 10.1111/j.1467-9280.1992.tb00021.x Intact artificial grammar learning in amnesia: Dissociation of classification learning and explicit memory for specific instances 

  15. Perceptual and Motor Skills Marangolo 77 259 1993 10.2466/pms.1993.77.1.259 Priming effect in a color discrimination task 

  16. Nature Marslen-Wilson 387 592 1997 10.1038/42456 Dissociating types of mental computation 

  17. Psychological Research Radeau 51 123 1989 10.1007/BF00309307 The effect of the uniqueness point in spoken-word recognition 

  18. Brain and Language Zurif 45 448 1993 10.1006/brln.1993.1054 An on-line analysis of syntactic processing in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia 

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