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Immunohistochemical Demonstration of Nerve Terminals in the Whole Hard Palate of Rats by Use of an Antiserum against Protein Gene Product 9.5 (PGP 9.5) 원문보기

Archives of histology and cytology, v.63 no.5, 2000년, pp.401 - 410  

MITSUI, Chihiro (Department of Oral Functional Science, Graduate School of Dentistry, Hokkaido University) ,  IWANAGA, Toshihiko (Laboratory of Anatomy, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University) ,  YOSHIDA, Shigemitsu (Department of Oral Functional Science, Graduate School of Dentistry, Hokkaido University) ,  KAWASAKI, Takao (Department of Oral Functional Science, Graduate School of Dentistry, Hokkaido University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Sensory innervation of the entire hard palate was investigated in the rat using serial sections immunostained for protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), a neuronal marker. PGP 9.5-immunoreactive nerve endings were widely distributed in the hard palate, but the innervation pattern and density differed a...

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