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[해외논문] Sonographic Monitoring of Midline Shift in Space-Occupying Stroke : An Early Outcome Predictor 원문보기

Stroke, v.32 no.2, 2001년, pp.442 - 447  

Gerriets, T. (From the Department of Neurology (T.G., E.S., S.K., S.B., I.F., M.J., M.K.), Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Germany)) ,  Stolz, E. (the Department of Neurology (T.G.), UMass Memorial Health Care and University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester) ,  König, S. (and the Department of Neurology (S.K., I.F.), Medical University at Luebeck, Germany.) ,  Babacan, S. (From the Department of Neurology (T.G., E.S., S.K., S.B., I.F., M.J., M.K.), Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Germany)) ,  Fiss, I. (the Department of Neurology (T.G.), UMass Memorial Health Care and University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester) ,  Jauss, M. (and the Department of Neurology (S.K., I.F.), Medical University at Luebeck, Germany.) ,  Kaps, M. (From the Department of Neurology (T.G., E.S., S.K., S.B., I.F., M.J., M.K.), Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Germany))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background and Purpose -Transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCS) allows bedside imaging of intracranial hemodynamics and parenchymal structures. It provides reliable information regarding midline shift (MLS) in space-occupying hemispheric stroke. We studied the value of MLS measurement to p...

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