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Environmental Determinants of Housing Prices: The Impact of Flood Zone Status

The Journal of real estate research, v.21 no.1/2, 2001년, pp.3 - 20  

Harrison, David (University of Vermont, Burlington, VT) ,  T. Smersh, Greg (University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL) ,  Schwartz, Arthur (University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Anderson, Dan R.. The National Flood Insurance Program. Problems and Potential. The Journal of risk and insurance, vol.41, no.4, 579-.

  2. Benson, Earl D., Hansen, Julia L., Schwartz, Jr., Arthur L., Smersh, Greg T.. Pricing Residential Amenities: The Value of a View. The Journal of real estate finance and economics, vol.16, no.1, 55-73.

  3. Felton, Robert S., Ghee, William K., Stinton, John E.. A Mid-1970 Report on the National Flood Insurance Program. The Journal of risk and insurance, vol.38, no.1, 1-.

  4. Gatzlaff, D.H., Ling, D.C.. Measuring Changes in Local House Prices: An Empirical Investigation of Alternative Methodologies. Journal of urban economics, vol.35, no.2, 221-244.

  5. 10.1111/1540-6229.00763 Glower, M., D. R. Haurin and P. H. Hendershott, Selling Time and Selling Price: The Influence of Seller Motivation, Real Estate Economics , 26:4, 1998, 719-40. 

  6. MacDonald, Don N., White, Harry L., Taube, Paul M., Huth, William L.. Flood Hazard Pricing and Insurance Premium Differentials: Evidence from the Housing Market. The Journal of risk and insurance, vol.57, no.4, 654-.

  7. Power, Fred B., Shows, E. Warren. A Status Report on the National Flood Insurance Program. Mid 1978. The Journal of risk and insurance, vol.46, no.2, 61-.

  8. Pritchett, S. Travis, Rubin, Harvey W.. A Case Study of Flood Losses: Implications for Flood Insurance Product Development. The Journal of risk and insurance, vol.42, no.1, 105-.

  9. Appraisal Journal 429 

  10. Shilling, James D., Sirmans, C.F., Benjamin, John D.. Flood insurance, wealth redistribution, and urban property values. Journal of urban economics, vol.26, no.1, 43-53.

  11. Journal of Real Estate Research 75 10.1080/10835547.1987.12090534 2 

  12. Woolf, A., K. Ramagopal and D. M. Harrison, Is School Choice Capitalized into Housing Values? Evidence from Vermont, Working paper, University of Vermont, 2000. 

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