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NTIS 바로가기Science, v.291 no.5506 = no.5506, 2001년, pp.1026 - 1031
Fahey, D. W. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Gao, R. S. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Carslaw, K. S. (School of the Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.) , Kettleborough, J. (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, OX 11 OQX, UK.) , Popp, P. J. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Northway, M. J. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Holecek, J. C. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Ciciora, S. C. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , McLaughlin, R. J. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Thompson, T. L. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Winkler, R. H. (Aeronomy Laboratory,) , Baumgardner, D. G. (Universidad Nacional Autó) , Gandrud, B. (noma de Mé) , Wennberg, P. O. (xico, Centro de Ciencias de la Atmó) , Dhaniyala, S. (sfera, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico DF, Mexico.) , McKinney, K. (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307, USA.) , Peter, Th. (Division of Geology and Planetary Sciences,) , Salawitch, R. J. (Division of Geology and Planetary Sciences,) , Bui, T. P. (Division of Geology and Planetary Sciences,) , Elkins, J. W. (Laboratorium fü) , Webster, C. R. (r Atmosphä) , Atlas, E. L. (renphysik, Eidgenö) , Jost, H. (ssiche Technische Hochschule Zü) , Wilson, J. C. (rich, CH-8093 Zü) , Herman, R. L. (rich, Switzerland.) , Kleinböhl, A. (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA.) , von König, M. (NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA.)
Large particles containing nitric acid (HNO 3 ) were observed in the 1999/2000 Arctic winter stratosphere. These in situ observations were made over a large altitude range (16 to 21 kilometers) and horizontal extent (1800 kilometers) on several airborne sampling flights during a period of several w...
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Fahey, D. W., Kelly, K. K., Kawa, S. R., Tuck, A. F., Loewenstein, M., Chan, K. R., Heidt, L. E.. Observations of denitrification and dehydration in the winter polar stratospheres. Nature, vol.344, no.6264, 321-324.
Santee, M. L., Manney, G. L., Froidevaux, L., Read, W. G., Waters, J. W.. Six years of UARS Microwave Limb Sounder HNO3 observations: Seasonal, interhemispheric, and interannual variations in the lower stratosphere. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.104, no.d7, 8225-8246.
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Fahey, D. W., Kelly, K. K., Ferry, G. V., Poole, L. R., Wilson, J. C., Murphy, D. M., Loewenstein, M., Chan, K. R.. In situ measurements of total reactive nitrogen, total water, and aerosol in a polar stratospheric cloud in the Antarctic. Journal of geophysical research : JGR. D : Atmospheres, vol.94, no.d9, 11299-.
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Toon, Owen B., Turco, R. P., Hamill, P.. Denitrification mechanisms in the polar stratospheres. Geophysical research letters, vol.17, no.4, 445-448.
The flights were part of the joint SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE)/Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone 2000 (THESEO 2000) campaigns that took place in Kiruna Sweden in the 1999/2000 winter (additional information on these campaigns is available at and www.nilu.no/projects/theseo2000/).
In addition to the NO y instrument a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) detected HNO 3 in large PSC particles and a multiangle aerosol spectrometer probe (MASP) measured the size and number concentration of large PSC particles (39). With the CIMS air was sampled with an inlet specially designed to separate gas- and particle-phase HNO 3 by using a modified virtual impactor technique. During most flights gas and particle phases were sampled alternately for periods of ∼3 min each. The CIMS data confirm the NO y component of the large particles as HNO 3 on 20 January and provide size and number concentration evidence consistent with the NO y observations. With the MASP probe the distribution of particles was measured for sizes from 0.3 to 22 μm in diameter on 20 January. The probe data confirm the presence of many small PSC particles between 0.3 and 2 μm and a few larger particles up to 20 μm in diameter. The probe data for the size and number of the larger particles are nominally consistent with the results in Fig. 4 although the statistical uncertainty is high because of low count rates. The number of particles in the size range of the small simulation mode in Fig. 4 is also nominally consistent with the probe data.
No direct measurements of particle shape are available. However particles composed of solid HNO 3 hydrates are generally assumed to be nonspherical even at sizes of <5 μm because of lidar depolarization measurements [e.g. (40)]. Although modest corrections to fall speed and sampling efficiency calculations may ultimately be warranted because of nonspherical shapes the assumption of sphericity is adopted here throughout for simplicity.
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Supplementary material is available at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/291/5506/1026/DC1.
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Denitrification is often observed with dehydration. Dehydration is rare in the Arctic vortex whereas it is expected every winter in the Antarctic (7 41). In the Arctic 1999/2000 winter significant dehydration [up to 0.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv)] was observed at flight altitudes once during a brief period on a flight after 20 January.
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K. S. Carslaw data not shown.
HNO 3 was observed remotely in the 5 to 8 km above the ER-2 aircraft by a microwave radiometer (42). The radiometer flew on board the NASA DC-8 aircraft during SOLVE/THESEO 2000.
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Wofsy, S. C., Salawitch, R. J., Yatteau, J. H., McElroy, M. B., Gandrud, B. W., Dye, J. E., Baumgardner, D.. Condensation of HNO3 on falling ice particles: Mechanism for denitrification of the polar stratosphere. Geophysical research letters, vol.17, no.4, 449-452.
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Browell, E. V., Butler, C. F., Ismail, S., Robinette, P. A., Carter, A. F., Higdon, N. S., Toon, O. B., Schoeberl, M. R., Tuck, A. F.. Airborne lidar observations in the wintertime Arctic stratosphere: Polar stratospheric clouds. Geophysical research letters, vol.17, no.4, 385-388.
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We appreciate the contributions of J. Barrilleaux J. Nystrom and D. Porter as NASA ER-2 pilots; of L. Lait in producing Fig. 1; and of B. P. Luo in discussions of the statistical evaluation of the particle size distributions. The NASA Upper Atmosphere Research Program supported this research.
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