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[해외논문] Employment status, job characteristics, and work-related health experience of people with a lower limb amputation in The Netherlands

Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, v.82 no.2, 2001년, pp.239 - 245  

The Netherlands (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Groningen (Schoppen, Eisma)) ,  Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Groningen (Schoppen, Eisma) (Rehabilitation Centre “) ,  Rehabilitation Centre “Revalidatie Friesland,” (Revalidatie Friesland,”) ,  Beetsterzwaag (Boonstra) (Beetsterzwaag (Boonstra)) ,  Northern Centre for Health Care Research, University of Groningen (Groothoff) (Northern Centre for Health Care Research, University of Groningen (Groothoff)) ,  Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede (de Vries) (Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede (de Vries)) ,  and Department of Movement Sciences, University of Groningen (Göeken) (and Department of Movement Sciences, University of Groningen (Gö) ,  The Netherlands (eken))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractSchoppen T, Boonstra A, Groothoff JW, de Vries J, Göeken LNH, Eisma WH. Employment status, job characteristics, and work-related health experience of people with a lower limb amputation in The Netherlands. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001;82:239-45. Objectives: To describe the occupational ...


참고문헌 (29)

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