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[해외논문] Performance Comparison of KOMPSAT-5 Precision Orbit Determination with GRACE 원문보기

International journal of aerospace engineering, v.2020, 2020년, pp.1 - 11  

Roh, Kyoung-Min (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon 34055, Republic of Korea) ,  Hwang, Yoola (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon 34129, Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Korean Multipurpose Satellite-5 (KOMPSAT-5) launched on 22 August 2013 was equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) receiver for precision orbit determination (POD). Even though the GPS receiver of KOMPSAT-5 shares the same heritage as the BlackJack receiver onboard in Gravity Recovery an...

참고문헌 (16)

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  2. Jaggi, A., Hugentobler, U., Bock, H., Beutler, G.. Precise orbit determination for GRACE using undifferenced or doubly differenced GPS data. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), vol.39, no.10, 1612-1619.

  3. Hwang, Yoo-La, Lee, Byoung-Sun, Kim, Young-Rok, Roh, Kyoung-Min, Jung, Ok-Chul, Kim, Hae-Dong. GPS-Based Orbit Determination for KOMPSAT-5 Satellite. ETRI journal, vol.33, no.4, 487-496.

  4. Jäggi, Adrian, Dach, R., Montenbruck, O., Hugentobler, U., Bock, H., Beutler, G.. Phase center modeling for LEO GPS receiver antennas and its impact on precise orbit determination. Journal of geodesy, vol.83, no.12, 1145-1162.

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  6. Kroes, Remco, Montenbruck, Oliver, Bertiger, William, Visser, Pieter. Precise GRACE baseline determination using GPS. GPS solutions, vol.9, no.1, 21-31.

  7. Kang, Zhigui, Tapley, Byron, Bettadpur, Srinivas, Ries, John, Nagel, Peter, Pastor, Rick. Precise orbit determination for the GRACE mission using only GPS data. Journal of geodesy, vol.80, no.6, 322-331.

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  10. Jäggi, A., Hugentobler, U., Beutler, G.. Pseudo-Stochastic Orbit Modeling Techniques for Low-Earth Orbiters. Journal of geodesy, vol.80, no.1, 47-60.

  11. Zhang, Bingbing, Wang, Zhengtao, Zhou, Lv, Feng, Jiandi, Qiu, Yaodong, Li, Fupeng. Precise Orbit Solution for Swarm Using Space-Borne GPS Data and Optimized Pseudo-Stochastic Pulses. Sensors, vol.17, no.3, 635-.

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  14. Roh, Kyoung-Min, Choi, Byung-Kyu. The Effects of the IERS Conventions (2010) on High Precision Orbit Propagation. Journal of astronomy and space sciences, vol.31, no.1, 41-50.

  15. Kang, Z., Tapley, B., Bettadpur, S., Ries, J., Nagel, P.. Precise orbit determination for GRACE using accelerometer data. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), vol.38, no.9, 2131-2136.

  16. Zehentner, Norbert, Mayer-Gürr, Torsten. Precise orbit determination based on raw GPS measurements. Journal of geodesy, vol.90, no.3, 275-286.


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